
The Two Faces of Social Media at NASA

It’s Social Media Week here in Washington, D.C. and there are some really great events going on about how social media is being used in the government, nonprofits, and different organizations. I attended a presentation today about Advancing Citizen Engagement. There were some really innovative techniques from agencies as diverse as Federal Student Aid, USGS,Read… Read more »

The Armed Forces Leading the Charge in Facebook Likes

Government’s move toward better utilization of the web in hopes of increasing citizen engagement isn’t exactly a new pursuit. It’s a rather old one in truth, however that doesn’t mean it’s going away anytime soon. Now more than ever government is looking for new ways to improve internet presence and open new channels of communication.Read… Read more »

Is your program/agency on GAO’s High Risk List

What is the high risk list? Beginning in 1990 the Government Accountability Office started putting together a list of programs that were most vulnerable to waste, fraud, abuse, mis-management and the need for fundamental transformation. The GAO produces the list every two years to help Congress and the Executive Branch set priorities on high riskRead… Read more »

In Case of Emergency, Use Social Media!

A Highlight from the upcoming NAGC Communications School. Whether we were in the Northeast at the time or not, none of us will forget the devastation caused by Superstorm Sandy. Government agencies at all levels responded to the various emergencies and coordinated recovery efforts across multiple states. They needed to communicate with each other, toRead… Read more »

The Metaverse Code

It was only a matter of time. Throughout history, whenever people have come together and formed a dependence on each other for their physical, social, and economic well-being, they’ve eventually had to create some form of governance. The Old Testament, a type of code that governed a group of people no matter where they lived,Read… Read more »

SOTU Recap: Rubio Beats Obama on Google, YouTube and SNL

It’s been nearly a week since President Obama’s State of the Union (SOTU) address. Yet many folks are still mesmerized by Senator Marco Rubio’s impromptu and awkward water bottle moment during the official response. By now, many millions of people know about Rubio’s water bottle debacle. He’s received so much coverage from both traditional andRead… Read more »

3 Reasons to Cut Congressional Pay in Half

The U.S. Congress has done it again. On Friday the House of Representatives voted to reject a long overdue end to the two-year old federal pay freeze. In effect, Congress is punishing federal civil servants for serving the public. It should be evident by now that federal employees have been castigated too much, for tooRead… Read more »