
Good FOIA Gone Bad

When I saw the map of gun owners printed online by a publication owned by The Gannett Company and the public reaction, I thought of my last supervisor. He was a wise man with whom I could discuss any idea without fear of ridicule or repercussion. When the ideas were good, he would fully supportRead… Read more »

Weekly Webinars Recap- ‘Teamwork on the Fly’

With the New Year fast approaching, I think now is a perfect time to talk about improving oneself. Specifically, I want to talk about the importance of learning. At my company, Millsapps, Ballinger & Associates we consider continuing education and training to be a non-negotiable necessity, both within our company, and as a service toRead… Read more »

Video Use in Gov: NASA Debunks End of World, Creates Gangnam Style Parody

In December, NASA created two intriguing videos to help communicate and educate citizens about NASA. I stumbled across an article on FCW announcing that NASA has recently published a video parody of PSY’s Gangnam style. The article states that it has been received with mixed reviews from NASA personnel. FCW blog states: NASA Administrator CharlesRead… Read more »

Spot the Success – The DorobekINSIDER’s Most Inspiring Stories from 2012

It’s been a great year at the DorobekINSIDER. Our show launched in February and 260 guests later the show is really something we are very proud of. So, for the last week in 2012, we wanted to do something different. We wanted to take a step back and highlight some of the great interviews we’veRead… Read more »

Global Communications: “Doomsday” Reactions from USA, China, Russia

“It’s the end of the world as we know it…and I feel fine.” – R.E.M. – Okay, so the world did not end last Friday afterall (take a deep breath and slowly exhale). Whew…what a relief. Now we can all take a “time out” to celebrate Christmas and ring in the New Year. That is,Read… Read more »

The 4P Principles

The 4P Principles I will continue to embrace– Personal, from me to you for 2013—Peace, Prosperity, Pride, and Persistence! Religion–Preparation, Process, People and Patience Business and Marketing– Products, Price, Place, and Promotion! HAPPY HOLIDAYS SEASON and A PROSPEROUS 2013!

State Dept seeks USG talent to run Gov 2.0 web shop

State Department is looking for USG talent to run a cutting-edge web shop in the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. It’s a GS-2210-14 that heads up a team of web and social media experts who manage technology and provide expert advice in digital communications. Websites use adaptive and responsive design. It’s a Drupal shop.Read… Read more »

Government at the Speed of Light. Can Social Help or Hurt?

Http://LeonardSipes.Com and Http://MyLifeAudio.Com It’s taken me days to compose my thoughts as to the mass shooting-massacre at Newtown, CT. As someone in the justice system it hits hard; nothing prepares you for this. Working with crime victims gives me a unique perspective and I know how a burglary or robbery or violent crime impacts aRead… Read more »

You Clicked — See the Top DorobekINSIDER Posts

It’s been a great year at the DorobekINSIDER. Our show launched in February and 260 guests later the show is really something we are very proud of. So, for the last week in 2012, we wanted to do something different. We wanted to take a step back and highlight some of the great interviews we’veRead… Read more »