
Tweets about Twitter Offer Interesting Insights

Curious about Twitter, not just as a social media platform but also as a company? Using a sample of recent tweets, this post offers a glimpse into the company’s leadership, its role in society, and how the platform and its features are evolving. Though neither comprehensive nor in-depth, this glimpse provides insights into the complexityRead… Read more »

NAGC President’s Message

Hello fellow government communicators, As many of you who have met me probably know, I have two young boys who provide my life with continual anecdotes. A few weeks ago, my son was acting a bit hyper while we were out for dinner, and I told him not to act crazy at the restaurant. HisRead… Read more »

Either Way A Fiscal Cliff

Okay, so here’s the dirtly little secret… The “Fiscal Cliff” that everyone is supposedly working on to avert–is really unavoidable! Yes, the Sequestration that was put in place that eliminates the broad-based tax cuts from a decade ago and reduces spending across military and domestic government spending–can be replaced by more surgical tax increases andRead… Read more »

Looking for BYOD Help? Here are 5 Sample Policies for Public Sector BYOD Initiatives

Story Highlights GovLoop partners with Cisco to develop recent report, Exploring Bring Your Own Device in the Public Sector Learn more from BYOD Expert, David Graziano BYOD is already happening – agencies need to be prepared with sound policy. Bring your own device (BYOD) initiatives have been popping up all year long. There are countlessRead… Read more »

Taking the Deep Dive – Exploring Our Oceans with GIS

An image from Esri’s Ocean Initiative – which allows scientist to explore the mysteries of the oceans Story Highlights Esri announces their Oceans Initiative, which uses GIS to help scientist learn about the oceans Be sure to view GovLoop’s GIS Report: Exploring the Promise of GIS for Government GovLoop launches interactive GIS infographic exploring howRead… Read more »

How NOAA Used Social Media to be One Step Ahead of Sandy recently hosted a webinar on social media tools and Sandy. During the lead up, storm, and aftermath, NOAA had you covered. Personally, I was googling the storm as it happened, but looking back I should’ve just logged onto NWS’s facebook page. NWS tweeted and facebooked there way through preparedness with the country. They madeRead… Read more »

The Key to Government Communication: Keep it Simple

The IRS is a great case study of using social media for recruitment – and keeping a simple, yet effective message Story Highlights Government communications relies on a keeping a simple message Never assume simplicity lacks complexity IRS as a great case study for how to leverage social media for recruitment See related FCG postsRead… Read more »

What Hurricane Sandy Can Teach Us About Emergency Management

Post Highlights GovDelivery report: Breaking Down Barriers to Effective Emergency Notifications Hurricane Sandy is a reminder of the complexity of disasters Report provides best practices and strategies for emergency management notifications When Hurricane Sandy landed on the east coast, much of the disaster response activities had already been put into play. FEMA had coordinated withRead… Read more »

How will augmented reality shape society’s future and the expectations of government?

Augmented Reality, or AR, involves the projection of information onto our physical landscape through some form of assistive device, such as the heads-up displays (HUDs) used in many aircraft, the use of a mobile device with a camera to photograph a location and add information or the upcoming Google Goggles, which promise a wearable ARRead… Read more »