
Is Being a Fed A Thankless Job? Maybe Not. Time to Submit Your Sammies Nomination

Ok, let’s get real, you don’t go into a career as a federal worker for the glory and adulation. But sometimes toiling in an all too often thankless job can get tiring. And budget cuts aren’t helping. But that’s where the Partnership for Public Service’s Service to America Medals come into play. The annual awardsRead… Read more »

It’s DCWeek!

If the election doesn’t provide enough excitement for you this week, never fear…it’s also DCWeek. “DCWEEK is a week long festival in the US capitol focused on bringing together designers, developers, entrepreneurs, and social innovators of all kinds.” Yesterday I attended the session titled: “Changing Relationships: Gov 2.0 and the Citizen” at Affinity Lab. PanelistsRead… Read more »

Are federal agencies effectively utilizing technology for disaster response and recovery?

Last week, the entire east coast was rocked by Sandy. Now, a week later, life is starting to return to normal in some neighborhoods. Many, however, especially in New York and New Jersey, still remain without power, homes and in need of help. Many key decision makers, however, are not geographically located in the areasRead… Read more »

It All Comes Down to This — Your Election Night Must Haves – DorobekINSIDER

Happy Election Day 2012 On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Tackling the biggest problem at your agency first is a great way to make things more efficient. But agencies can’t seem to get their priorities straight. So what’s the holdup? Deloitte survey 600 feds for the answers. Click here for the full recap. Yes, it is ElectionRead… Read more »

Leadership, Communications and Productivity are worth training too

One of the most focused on areas in technology organization training is a an overwhelming focus on competency area skill development. The focus is almost always on specific skill development in particular methodologies, technologies, best practices and other areas of specialization. This is an exceptional practice that should be encouraged. However, I think it isRead… Read more »

Big Data and Cloud don’t have to be Big Problems – Ajay Budhraja

There is a data explosion occurring in the world. Data that is being created is not just transaction oriented and is not structured. Such data cannot be managed effectively with some data management systems since traditional systems cannot process such data.Data sets are being gathered from a variety of data sources and the volume, velocityRead… Read more »

Vote like the Gov Depends on it — Plus Your DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: The six-month old program is starting to get some traction. So can Portfolio Stat and can it really make a difference at your agency? Click here for full recaps. But up front: Election 2012 — it is just about over. Early voting has been going on… and come 11p ET Tuesday,Read… Read more »

Portfolio Stat – Can it help your agency save money, innovate?

The six-month old program is starting to get some traction. So can Portfolio Stat and can it really make a difference at your agency? Andrew McMahon is a senior advisor at the Office of Management and Budget and PortfolioStat lead. He was a panelist at the October Affirm breakfast moderated by the DorobekINSIDER’s Chris Dorobek.Read… Read more »

Responding to Hurricane Sandy

Hurricane Sandy, the Super Storm that slammed into the Eastern Seaboard early last week, left behind a wave of destruction in its path. Cities like New York, Atlantic City, Hoboken, Philadelphia and hundreds more are dealing with flooding, power outages,and destructive fires as a result. The cost of the damage left behind is estimated toRead… Read more »

Infographic: Local Gov2.0 – How Councils Can Use Social Media

I thought the infographic below (and associated blog post) might be of interest to Govloop subscribers. We have created the infographic below for local government. Like many organisations across other industries, local governments have started to use social media cautiously in recent years. Too often, local governments only consider social media as an outbound communicationRead… Read more »