
Bridging the Gap – Government Agencies and the Average Joe

The Open Government Initiative set forth by the Obama Administration in 2009 requires Federal agencies to take immediate steps to achieve milestones in transparency, participation, and citizen collaboration. Most Federal, state, and local organizations have jumped on the social media bandwagon as a tool for communicating with citizens and making their agency’s goals transparent. However,Read… Read more »

Make or Break Night for Pres. Obama — Your Debate Guide — 7 DorobekINSIDER Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: We are less than three weeks from the election. So the big question now, is what’s next? What happens after the new president is elected? How should career feds handle the transition. NAPA and ASPA have tried to answer some of those questions. They’ve launched the Memos to National Leaders projectRead… Read more »

Identifying the Promise of GIS for Government: Emergency Management

Post Highlights GovLoop releases new report: Identifying the Promise of GIS for Government Emergency management has been transformed by GIS technology Post identifies 10 lessons learned from emergency management and GIS initiatives The GovLoop report, Identifying the Promise of GIS for Government, focuses on best practices, case studies and identifies innovative uses of geographic informationRead… Read more »

Research: Politics & Social Media, Gauging Response

Hey everyone, I’m currently conducting research at Bridgewater State University concerning how people might respond to the discreditation of their political perspective. For now I assume the position of a liberal blogger who mostly mocks and ridicules the Republican party, but come January I will have created a new identity who harshly critiques the DemocraticRead… Read more »

Digital Government, Innovation & Communications

Post Highlights Panel Discussion: “Digital Government, Innovation, & Communications” Innovation and creativity are essential in the era of doing more with less Internal online forums can help collaboration at all levels Today I attended GovDelivery’s annual federal event, Digital Government: The Transformative Power of Communications. The event focused on how digital government, innovation and communicationsRead… Read more »

At the HR Tech Conference, Old School Meets New School

The significant progress the HR industry has made in developing and leveraging social and digital technologies was clearly evident at this year’s HR Technology Conference in Chicago – especially in the Expo Hall. Not only were new technologies highlighted in the products and services offered by vendors, they were also integrated throughout the entire experience.Read… Read more »

Taking Little Bets: Innovation Takes Iterations

Post Highlights Peter Sims gave Keynote at GovDelivery’s Annual Event Innovation takes iterations, we need to take affordable risks, take small bets Failure is OK, as long we are learning Leadership models are changing – and often intersect with emerging technology This morning I attended GovDelivery’s annual event, Digital Government: The Transformative Power of Communications.Read… Read more »

A long overdue call to action on cyber-bullying

I watched Amanda Todd’s tragic video message today. Exactly one month and eight days after it was first posted and only five days after she committed suicide. Words can’t possibly express how it makes me feel. But that’s irrelevant anyway. What’s far more important than expressing our feelings and condolences in my opinion is whatRead… Read more »

Rap Genius: Coming to your enterprise

By BobGourley With this post I want to lay out a way rap music is going to forever change the world of enterprise IT. Rap will have this impact on IT in many enterprises, but one of the biggest impacts, I predict, will be on the US Intelligence Community and in DoD. First some backgroundRead… Read more »