
What if we let ordinary citizens represent Australia on social media for tourism purposes?

Tourism Australia, state and territory tourism agencies and many regions and cities are now using social media to promote their location (their brand) to potential tourists. Using the traditional approach, these accounts are managed by professionals employed by agencies and tourism bodies, communicating with official approved messages. However other countries have begun to explore theRead… Read more »

Why the tools are not the answer

I’ve worked with online communities in one form or another for most of the past 15 years. They’re a powerful thing. And, through the use of social media tools and social networks empowered by hyperconnectivity, they have the capacity to make a significant difference in the world. So, why are so many people (especially theRead… Read more »

From Town Hall to Twitter: Do You Have a Comprehensive Communications Plan?

Over the last month or so, I’ve had the chance to teach a handful of workshops on creating a comprehensive communications strategy – one that combines both traditional approaches with the use of social media and mobile engagement activities. Below is the slide deck from my workshop for the National Conference of State Legislatures‘ SuperRead… Read more »

Responsive Design in Government – A Case Study from

Governments are starting to realize the importance of responsive design in their web experiences. For those that don’t know, Responsive web design (thanks wikipedia) is an approach to web design in which a site is crafted to provide an optimal viewing experience—easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling—across a wideRead… Read more »

Can tech really help you engage? Insights from the Knight Foundation

Two years ago the Knight Foundation launched their Tech for Engagement Initiative. The idea was simple, they wanted to answer the question, can technology accelerate the capacity of citizens within a community to engage in their civic life in an easier and more effective way? The question seems fairly straightforward. But as the Knight Foundation’sRead… Read more »

Where exactly do citizens and gov interact?

The more I’ve thought about Citizen Experience — with its goal of reconsidering and improving the experience citizens have when they interact with government, both on and off the web — the more I find myself coming back to the same thought: we really need a list of all those points of interaction. I recognizeRead… Read more »

Telework: The pros and the not so pros – Session Summary

The following is a summary from the Leadership at all Levels session on October 12, 2012. Speakers and participants in this session had the opportunity to discuss and share opinions on telework policies and issues in the federal government. Guest Speakers: Wanda Smith – GSA Danette Campbell – USPTO Summary: Telework offers some risks andRead… Read more »

4 Tips on Reporting Digital Metrics from

At a conference, I was recently asked “What’s the best way to report web and social media metrics?” The participant said they struggle on what specific metrics to report, how frequently, and in what format. My response was check out Center for Disease Controls’s metrics Here’s 4 tips based on CDC’s metrics (September’s metrics embeddedRead… Read more »