
The Importance of Confidence

Creative Commons via Over the past 4 years, I’ve met a lot of my online friends “in real life.” And, as a sociologist, I’m always curious to see if someone will live up to their online persona. There are 3 possibilities, right? I am always delighted when people meet or exceed my expectations andRead… Read more »

Keeping the Sanity During Election Time

I’m employed by local government, so the presidential election does not have a direct effect on my organization and daily duties. However, I’m interested in hearing from our federal communicators on how they deal with it. How do you keep everyone’s focus, and what steps do you take to prepare for possible change of presidents?Read… Read more »

Why Collaboration Between Government & Industry Still Matters? – Part 2

Ingrained into the fabric of the ACT-IAC Executive Leadership Conference is a focus on timely issues. ELC provides not a technical, but a management spotlight on the agenda for the coming year. In our earliest days in Charlottesville, the key issue was procurement reform – and the ELC dialogue resulted in improvements to the FederalRead… Read more »

Digesting Data: Informs on the Power of Data Visualization

This past Tuesday, October 9th, hosted a webinar about the use of info-graphics in the Federal government. During the webinar, they covered the basic definition of info-graphics, why their important, as well as some case studies on how they are being used. I realize we have been having this conversation for a while onRead… Read more »

Government Forms Just Got an Upgrade

Pretty cool update from the Presidential Innovation Fellows working on Project MyGov ————————– Government Forms Just Got an Upgrade If you’ve ever had the pleasure of filling out a TPS report or any other form (in triplicate, by hand, with a pen), have we got news for you. We’ve rolled out – and look forwardRead… Read more »

OhMyGov(ies) And The Hatch Act – To Live Tweet, Or Not To Live Tweet

The Hatch Act of 1939, officially An Act to Prevent Pernicious Political Activities, is the official guidance for civil servants of the executive branch on engaging in partisan political activity. More than seventy years after it was enacted, the blurred lines between professional and private lives, compounded by the development of social media, complicates theRead… Read more »

It’s Who You Know

Have a quality website, active social media presence, but still not reeling in the kind of customers or clients you want? The world of marketing and networking may have changed, but one thing is the same — it’s all about who you know. Reaching out to people still takes a little finesse even if itRead… Read more »

The New Face of (e) Customer Service

You might be in the business of providing classroom furniture to customers across the country, but that doesn’t mean customer service ends when the bell rings in the autumn. This is one industry that is a little bit slower than others to embrace the age of technology. When you’re the one providing much-needed products, howRead… Read more »