
Making APIs for government data – should agencies do this or leave it to third parties?

APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are a technique for interacting with data (usually on the web) which liberates users from relying on particular applications or having to do complex programming to reuse the data in interesting ways. Unfortunately few government agencies go the extra distance to release their data with an API, instead using specific dataRead… Read more »

Can collaboration help you do your job better? — Part 1

The Labor Department’s Office of Disability Employment hosted a webcast, Policy Development Think Tank Webcast: New Strategies for Successful Collaboration, as part of the ePolicyWorks initiative. DorobekINSIDER’s Chris Dorobek hosted the panel. The panelists outlined their perspectives on the use of new and innovative open government strategies for policy developments. On the Panel: GB: GadiRead… Read more »

New Zealand Launches a User-Centered Government Website

Sick of going to one government bureaucracy for a service only to get passed along to another and yet another? Wonder why government doesn’t communicate across agencies to provide a centralized service to you? Jared Gulian and his colleagues at the New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs are planning a solution for New Zealand. They’veRead… Read more »

The Crowd and the Election

There are numerous ways that one can participate in and pay tribute to the electoral process, but what’s really nice is how many of the keyholders seem to be involving the crowd in this current election. For example, the National Journal recently made a call for better questions for the presidential debates. Among the numerousRead… Read more »

Do I Really Want to Work Here: What Are Your Diversity Practices Telling Me?

Have you ever walked into an organization and just got that “Uh, why does everyone look the same” feeling… I know I have. You may have heard the expression, people are like snowflakes, and no two are the same – that’s diversity folks. In today’s ever diverse business environment, for organizations to excel, they mustRead… Read more »

Do I Really Want to Work Here: What’s Your Culture Telling Me?

Have you ever walked into an organization and just got that “hum something just doesn’t feel right feeling”… I know I have (more times than I’d like to count). Many of us know from the first time we enter into an organization, whether as an employee or a consultant, that what they say is notRead… Read more »

What’s Your Leadership Style?

I’m sure this isn’t scientific, but I came across this leadership style quiz and had a go: My results: Your results indicate that your leadership style is predominately: Delegative Delegative Leadership Delegative leaders allow group members to make decisions. This style is best used in situations where the leader needs to rely on qualifiedRead… Read more »