
Watch Out, I’m trying to “Walk and Talk” Here!

At a recent writing workshop I attended, the speaker suggested one strategy to find your niche for writing: pick three things you’re passionate about, and imagine yourself in the space where those three things intersect. While I have imagined myself in the middle of many a three set Venn diagram, few sound more appealing thanRead… Read more »

Communication: Lessons Learned From a State Department Aide

“Speak, she said, as you would write: as if your words were letters of lead, graven there for all time, for which you must take the consequences.” ― Dorothy Dunnett There are plenty of articles, blogs, and comments surrounding the propriety of the chain of emails exchanged between reporter, Michael Hastings, and State Department aideRead… Read more »

How Philadelphia is Changing Community Engagement

Citizen engagement is one of the most popular topics today in municipal government. There’s not a city out there that isn’t trying to figure out a way to get their citizens more involved and it’s understandable why. A new study came out that showed cities and states that have higher levels of citizen engagement, actuallyRead… Read more »