
When Government and the Private Sector Compete, Can Government Win?

All too often, the public assumes that government, when going toe-to-toe with the private sector, always loses. Even when we trumpet major successes of government (e.g. moon shot, arpanet), the public snickers and points to the private sector government contractors who supported these initiatives. Now for the ask! Nineteen organizations have been identified as finalistsRead… Read more »

Open Government: All Good, or Metal Plates in Your Head?

On July 26, 2012, the Center for Technology in Government (CTG) at the University of Albany / SUNY issued a press release announcing, in cooperation with SAP, an open government thought leadership program. I recently attended CTG’s workshop on this topic, along with 25 colleagues from government and academia, and we’re excited about the upcomingRead… Read more »

VA Wrongly Sent Sequestration Cut Letters — DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Leadership lessons from successful federal leaders. The Partnership for Public Service has sat down with the Service to America Medal winners to find out what leadership tactics work and which ones don’t. Click here for the full recap. Sequestration 101 — how many of you actually know what happens if sequestrationRead… Read more »

Opening up government in NSW

While largely unreported, earlier this year the NSW government became the first state jurisdiction in Australia to provide a formal written commitment to open government at a Premier level. In Victoria, which took an early lead as a state, Government 2.0 (which isn’t quite the same as open government) never received a formal commitment fromRead… Read more »

Watch Out, I’m trying to “Walk and Talk” Here!

At a recent writing workshop I attended, the speaker suggested one strategy to find your niche for writing: pick three things you’re passionate about, and imagine yourself in the space where those three things intersect. While I have imagined myself in the middle of many a three set Venn diagram, few sound more appealing thanRead… Read more »