
Culture is…? How to Create a High Performing Culture

According to our marketing partner –Preactive Marketing – the phrase “culture is…” generates roughly 20 million global hits. This indicates it is quite a popular topic and that people are interested in what culture is – and why having a high performance one is important. We’ll share our thoughts, though we also prefer to hearRead… Read more »

Strategy is…? How to Create and Execute a Successful Strategy

As many government agencies are aware, creating a strategy is a mandate, and creating and communicating an actionable strategy can make or break the performance goals of the agency or department and impact the ability to deliver on the mission. According to our marketing partner – Preactive Marketing – the phrase “strategy is…” generates roughlyRead… Read more »

Strategies to Get Through Writers Block

We’ve all been there, staring at a blank document or sheet of paper, trying to get started writing a blog, essay or a report. It’s one of the most frustrating feelings, and when pressed up against deadlines, the anxiety to produce increases. Over the last few months, I’ve been writing, researching, blogging quite a bitRead… Read more »

RNC kicks off – tips for feds to stay out of the fray and can open data really help you do your job better?

On today’s program The Republican National Convention kicks off tonight — so what should feds be doing to stay out of the election crosshairs? Click here for the full recap. When we talk about open data we often talk about transparency. But the makers of OpenPlans says open government can also help you do yourRead… Read more »

Meet the fed sorting through black boxes and discover the app that helps predict wildfires — could it help you too?

On today’s program Meet the fed who is working to investigate traffic accidents — and make sure they don’t happen again. His work has made him a finalist for the Service to America Medals. Click here for the full story. Predicting wildfires — there’s an app for that. You’ll meet the Code for America FellowRead… Read more »

The Opportunity to Exceed

I’ve been quiet on the Digital Government Strategy because – well, OK, I’ll be honest…while I think there’s a whole lot of good in it, I also have some problems. First, it didn’t look anything like I expected it to look, after all the issues we discussed in the National Dialog on Improving Government Websites.Read… Read more »

Learn How You Can Leverage API’s at Your Agency

Application programming interfaces (APIs) are quickly being used more often in government. API’s, to put it simply, are a set of rules how systems can interact with each other. API’s allow developers access to agencies data, which can be used to make engaging mobile content and innovative uses of data for improved citizen engagement. API’sRead… Read more »

Lessons Learned from the UK: Kent Police Department

Cisco recently shared a report about the Kent Police Department in the United Kingdom. The case study shows the power and importance of improved communication for police departments, and highlights the benefits of improved communication initiatives. The case study was interesting to read through, and to consider some lessons learned that we could apply hereRead… Read more »