
Outsourcing Government Communications?

A recent news story in The Economist discussed outsourcing and privatizing of government communications, and used Sandy Springs, GA as an example of a government entity that had outsourced many functions. Suzanne Horsley, an assistant professor in the University of Alabama’s Department of Advertising and Public Relations, was intrigued by the article, and now she’sRead… Read more »

Citizen Disaster Preparedness Extremely Low

A recent article on Emergency Management Magazine’s website stated, “Surveys consistently indicate that less than 10 percent of the public is considered prepared for a disaster and that percentage is usually closer to 6 percent.” The article deems current strategies to prepare the public for emergencies as inadequate, stating that the threat-based message is deliveredRead… Read more »

Department of Health and Human Services Innovations Team Is Connecting with You!

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Innovation Team is taking new steps to make it easier for people to connect and find information on our innovation activities. As an example, we have used Twitter to promote the first time public voting for selecting input on the HHSinnovates Program. Here are some of theRead… Read more »

Want Real-Time Economic Data? Census Launches An App for That

Did you know that 50% of the Census Bureau is dedicated to economic data? So it makes sense that if you wanted realtime, accurate economic data, data that could help you do your job better, you would go to the Census Bureau. Now they’ve created an app to make getting and understanding that data easier.Read… Read more »

The Carriage Return

Why is it that training is the last item considered in planning for change, and the first item to be scrapped when the budget gets tight? Change drive progress – and when we change, we need to learn how to use the new tool or features to achieve better results, greater speed, or use lessRead… Read more »

How to Get Executives to Do What You Want

Government executives are your key stakeholders…and most difficult audience. They’re swamped, overwhelmed and focused on their top priorities. If you can’t grab their attention and make your point quickly, your project or organization won’t get the resources it needs. So how do you get them to do what you want? Find out here: NeedRead… Read more »