
Facebook & Free Speech: Gov Workers Fired for Clicking “Like”

While most users of Facebook and similar social media sites may assume that all online activity is protected free speech, this might not always be the case — including for public sector employees. One recent judicial ruling, which has set off alarm bells among online free speech advocates, should cause govies to take notice sinceRead… Read more »

Conducting Media Interviews: Ten Tips

Speaking to the news media can always be a tricky business, especially if you are not an official government communicator, former journalist, or have other expertise in the area of media relations and strategic communications. Therefore, these tips should be useful if and when you must face the “Beast” — particularly, if you’re conducting yourRead… Read more »

China, Twitter and the 0.1%

Earlier this month I had the good fortune of visiting China – a place I’m deeply curious about and – aside from some second year university courses, the reporting from the Economist, and the occasional trip over to Tea Leaf Nation – remains too foreign to me for comfort given its enormous importance. As alwaysRead… Read more »

Adapting to being adaptable

We’re starting to see government agencies come to terms with modern digital technologies, with more and more people in agency seeking to use them in their activities. Agencies are beginning to operationalise social media and, while still working through the process, open licenses and data as well. Some in digital related-roles in government are startingRead… Read more »

Macon It Happen

After attending both PyCon and OSCON, and manning the Code for America expo booth at both events, it’s become pretty clear that technical people are kind of shocked that Macon is a Code for America city. “Macon… Georgia?” is a question I’ve heard multiple times (with varying amounts of pause between city and state). InRead… Read more »