
Making telework work at PTO and why the transition to Networx’s has been a BIG challenge

On today’s program Telework — many organizations talk about it. One has done it — and in a big way. It’s the Patent and Trademark Office. And an amazing statistic for you — more than 8,000 people at PTO are eligible to telework. Of those, more than 80 percent of them actually do it. We’reRead… Read more »

Media Relations: Shaping the Story — Part 1

“Everything here is negotiable…” Those are the words of a Washington Post reporter in a recent email to key sources for a coveted front page article. Included in the email was a working draft copy of the story. The news outlet Texas Observer obtained copies of the emails and broke the news…that is, the newsRead… Read more »

Facebook Tabs and Apps Used by the US Military – Facebook Use Study (2 of 3)

Blog series originally posted at DK Web Consulting. Intro In today’s blog we will look at three main things about the US Military’s use of Facebook; (1) which Facebook tabs are popular, (2) how many tabs do military pages use, and (3) do these pages use tabs such as Hootsuite to assist in publishing. ForRead… Read more »

3 Rules for Amazing Conference Contest Giveaways

Team CitySourced recently completed another successful trip to the Esri UC conference, which marks our third trip to the event. We’ve grown considerably since we took the stage in front of 15,000 with Jack Dangermond back at conference in 2010. In a short two year span, our mobile enterprise reporting system has grown to coverRead… Read more »

Podcast: Design Beyond the Past

Tune-in to Design Beyond the Past: people, paper and city government. In this podcast 2012 CfA Fellow Alicia Rouault comments on the challenges facing city governments in introducing some “Bay Area” innovation. “While cities have the will to innovate, legacy systems are holding them back.” – Alicia Rouault Design Beyond the Past by Code forRead… Read more »

OPM goes the distance on innovation find out how they did it — here’s a hint the Luma Institute

On today’s program The Office of Personnel Management has made great strides with innovation — that according to feds themselves. How did they do it? You hear from OPM’s Matt Collier. He spoke at GovLoop’s Next Generation of Government Training Summit, and you’ll hear from him. Click here for the full recap. And we’ll hearRead… Read more »

OPM rises in the Innovation Index — find out how they did it

The Office of Personnel Management has been making some real progress in terms on innovation. In fact they are the only agency to rise up the ranks of the Partnership for Public Service’s Innovation Index. (Listen to our interview with Tom Fox about the Innovation Index here.) But how did they do it? Matt CollierRead… Read more »

Luma Institute — Teaching you to fish innovately

Innovation is challenging, but the Office of Personnel Management has been making some real progress. A few weeks ago, we told you about what feds themselves think of government innovation — the Partnership for Public Service analysis of the federal viewpoint survey data. That data show that OPM has made great strides in making innovationRead… Read more »

Michael Sampson, User Adoption and the Formula for Success

Originally published on Tri Tuns blog Insights. As ‘user adoption’ is becoming a better-known aspect of IT implementations one thought leader in particular stands out. And one of the things we at Tri Tuns love about Michael Sampsonis his distinct ability to distill the complexities of user adoption into an easily understood and digested reasonedRead… Read more »