
Local Governments Do Not “Like” Facebook’s New Page Name Policy

The City of Olathe, KS, along with many other cities around the world, is facing a Facebook dilemma. The popular social media site is cracking down on their page management policy, and according to their Facebook Page Terms, name guidelines must not consist solely of generic terms such as “beer”, “pizza”, and now geographic locationsRead… Read more »

City of Houston Produces Video About Surviving a Workplace Shooter

Last week, the City of Houston’s Office of Public Safety, with grants from the Department of Homeland Security, posted a video called RUN. HIDE. FIGHT: Surviving an Active Shooter Event as part of their Ready Houstoninitiative. It’s a professionally done, six minute instructional video about what to do if someone were to open fire atRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: CIA Twitter Account Suspended, For Being Fake

There is a lot of questionable content that comes across twitter these days. Some of it we, the savvy public, know is questionable — like the seemingly endless stream of parody accounts such as those for Lord Voldemort, Mark Zuckerberg, Betty White, and William Shakespeare. But fake accounts that seem at first glance to haveRead… Read more »

Figuring out the procurement maze with OFPP’s Joe Jordan and can the government speak plainly?

On today’s program Working in procurement is a little like working in a maze, there are lots of new and different regulations around every corner. But there are some ways to make it easier. Joe Jordan is the administrator in the Office of Federal Procurement Policy. He’ll tell us his tips.Click here for the fullRead… Read more »

asdfjklqweruiop; — Is the government getting better at writing plainly?

“I didn’t have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead,” Mark Twain. Writing clearly and concisely is a challenge for anyone, but it’s been an even bigger challenge for the federal government — they are plagued with the dreaded Gov-Speak. But for the past two year’s they’ve been workingRead… Read more »

What Do Zig Ziglar, Harvey Mackay, and Dale Carnegie Have In Common – And How Can It Help YOU?

Zig , Harvey, and Dale contributed significantly to my professional development. How? By telling stories to show the benefit of doing something a certain way. Ziglar would talk about ‘the Redhead’ and ‘Yazoo’, Mississippi while weaving his lessons about listening and giving value. Mackay would wrap his storytelling around applying the laws of human natureRead… Read more »

Leading Change in Government – Executive certificate course at Georgetown (Sept 25-27)

As a government executive, you often are tasked with leading change or achieving increased efficiency in your organization. Leading Change in Government, presented by Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business on Sept. 25-27, is designed exclusively for government executives and draws on the latest research to equip you with the specific skills and tools neededRead… Read more »

3-part plan to improve innovation with the Federal CTO and is it possible to disconnect on vacation?

On today’s program Todd Park — he is the federal CTO – and might very well be the energizer bunny. The man has a lot of passion and excitement for the federal government. And he’ll tell us his three part plan to creating innovation. Click here for the full story. It’s summer and that meansRead… Read more »