
Mark Twain’s User Adoption Lessons – Part Five

This is the final in a five part series, originally published on Tri Tuns blog, Insights. Start at the beginning here. TIMELESS INSIGHT Mark Twain, a man who died decades before modern information systems were even conceived, may hold some of the greatest lessons for how to deliver successful technology adoption programs. So in thisRead… Read more »

What’sa Matter? You Too Big to Answer the Phone?

The ratio between government employees to the number of people the government serves is like a Bazillion to one. If every customer of government called just to say good morning, the entire telecommunications grid would crash – or at least that’s the way it feels sometimes. Governments are increasingly turning to write-once / answer-many technologiesRead… Read more »

NextGen: Presentation design resources for the user experience

Thanks again to everyone who attended my session at NextGen, “Presentation design for the user experience”. As promised, I’ve to a list of resources for you to help sharpen your skills as a student of the discipline: The Presentation itself can be found here. Resources Visual and Narrative: “The Lost Art of the Great Speech“:Read… Read more »

How to be an Intrapraneur within Government

”Corporate Rebel: How to be an Intrapraneur within Government” Carmen Medina, Former CIA Director of Intelligence, author of series “Corporate Next Generation of Government Carmen Medina “The good thing abour beauracracy is they make so many rules, they forget them.” Carmen highlighted the history behind Intellipedia, and her current work at Deloitte. Carmen also createdRead… Read more »

Think Sustainability — Could alternate fuels save billions?

The American Clean Skies foundation is out with their new plan that aims to reduce the government’s consumption of oil – and the fiscal and environmental costs that come with it – by requiring federal agencies to apply to third-­‐party transportation providers the same kind of alternative fuel targets, efficiency standards and reporting practices thatRead… Read more »

Creating Innovation in Government: 3 Lessons from Todd Park

”Creating Innovation in Government” Todd Park, U.S. Chief Technology Officer Next generation of Government Summit Todd Park closed out the opening sessions of the Next Generation of Government Summit, reviewing his fascinating path to government. Todd Park mentioned that the most amazing experience in his career has been working for the federal government. Todd Park’sRead… Read more »

The Military’s use of Social Media: Facebook Focus (Part 1 of 3)

Blog series originally posted at DK Web Consulting. The growth of social media is evident even amongst the ranks of government. The five branches of the US Military have been social media champions and there is much to learn from their efforts as we see in this report. This is the first installment of threeRead… Read more »

My first perk. And does blindly targeting influencers follow the ‘all news is good news’ theory?

I’m just going to come straight out with it: I’m pretty interested in online influence scoring tools like Klout and Peerindex. I think they might be useful to organisations and particularly the public sector in years to come. I understand and agree with lots of the points people make about these tools: people who thinkRead… Read more »