
Review of “The Rise of Social Government” by the Fels Institute

The federal government’s use of social media—including Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, and other sites—draws no end of press coverage, and for good reason: in the past three years, federal agencies have been engaging citizens through Facebook (NASA has more fans than the population of Denver, CO) and Twitter (The State Department has more followers thanRead… Read more »

Recovering from a Social Media Mistake

Everyone has posted something they wish they hadn’t. Don’t worry so much about the past and get back up on the horse. That’s what will define you, not one post. On Friday, the NextGen Journal published an article titled “Why Every Social Media Manager Should be Under 25″ by Cathryn Sloane. This article predictably generatedRead… Read more »

How eDiplomacy is changing the State Dept. and Crowdfunding Civic Projects

Happy Monday we are just days away from GovLoop’s Next Generation of Government Training Summit happening later this week. On today’s DorobekINSIDER The State Department is the federal government’s first agency, so you talk about a culture. But the State Department has been at the forefront of what is being called eDiplomacy or digital diplomacy.Read… Read more »

Crowdfunding Civic Projects — Interest Groups Playground or a Cost Cutting Solution?

Did you ever have something that you wanted done in your community — but your elected leaders wouldn’t pay attention or kept saying that they don’t have the money. What if you could have like minded people come together to help fund those projects. The idea — the crowdfunding of civic projects — has someRead… Read more »

How Disruptive Technologies are keeping the State Department ahead of the curve!

100 years ago the telegraph was thought of as a disruptive technology. “The importance of getting ahead of the technological curve is imperative. Otherwise you become irrelevant. Many wars could have been prevented if governments had adopted the telegraph quicker,” said Richard Boly the Director in the office of ediplomacy at the State Department. BolyRead… Read more »

YGL Considering More Sponsors

Young Government Leaders is considering adding more sponsors, We can expand the depth and breadth of the services we provide to our members while developing new partnerships. We’d like your opinions on what sponsors you think would be a strong fit for YGL. Please leave suggested sponsors in the comment section below.