
10 Benefits of Executive Coaching

FCG has a variety of resources on their website, although the guide, The FCG Executive Coaching Guide, Steps for a Successful Coaching Partnership was published in 2002, there is a lot useful information, and shows how an executive coach can help improve performance within an agency. One section of the guide identifies that traditionally thereRead… Read more »

The Art of Map Making – How Great Maps Tell Compelling Stories

I recently read a blog post by Bern Szukalski, There’s Something about a Map, on the ESRI blog, Bern states, “There’s something about a good map. It’s hard for me to describe exactly what that something is, but like many of us involved with GIS and geographic information, I’ve always been drawn to and fascinatedRead… Read more »

Cloud Computing and the CIO — Insights from EPA’s Malcolm Jackson and Partial Retirements for Feds

On Today’s Edition of the DorobekINSIDER Doing more with less — open government — cloud computing: they’re only some of the challenges facing the EPA. We’ll talk to the agency’s Chief Information Officer — Malcolm Jackson. Click here for the full story. Part-time retirement is now a reality. But should you consider it? We’ll findRead… Read more »

The Changing Role of the CIO — Insights from EPA’s CIO Malcolm Jackson

Cloud computing — it is making a big difference in how agency Chief Information Officers do their jobs. The cloud means CIOs are able to be less focused on infrastructure IT and more focused on deploying new technologies in faster and cheaper ways. Malcolm Jackson is the Chief Information Officer at the EPA. He toldRead… Read more »

How Public Hearings Can Distort Decision Making and How Online Forums Can Mitigate this Distorting Influence

Public hearings are often the most influential channel for feedback to government decision makers. Therefore it’s problematic that this influence is frequently distorted by public hearing feedback that is not representative of the views of the majority of a community. This distorted influence is caused by three dynamics: (1) a spectrum of impediments to civicRead… Read more »

Infographic: How Yammer Will Integrate With Microsoft Sharepoint For Government Enterprise Social Networking

Mark Drapeau (Washington, DC) — Microsoft recently announced that it had acquired popular enterprise social networking company Yammer, and that these assets would largely be integrated into Microsoft’s business software like Outlook, Office, and Sharepoint. How might this work within large enterprises like government agencies? Below is the official infographic showing how Yammer might workRead… Read more »

Solar Storm: A Real-World Case for Plain Language

Think that plain language in government doesn’t matter? That you don’t need good writers to communicate the work of your taxpayer-funded agency? Consider this Washington Post article on the approaching solar storm: Solar storm incoming: Federal agencies provide inconsistent, confusing information NOAA and NASA provide two different forecasts on the incoming solar storm, “a waveRead… Read more »