
Happy 4th of July! Brief Reflection on The Four Freedoms

Happy 4th of July to the GovLoop Community! Last night I was reading a little bit about Norman Rockwell, I was feeling patriotic due to the holiday and decide to read a bit about some of his work. Just doing some Googling on Mr. Rockwell I was reminded of his series of paintings, The FourRead… Read more »

Twitter transparency report released

Twitter released its first Transparency Report highlighting the number of times they received: government requests for user information, government requests to withhold content, and DMCA takedown notices from copyright holders. The report shows that the U.S. government has asked Twitter 679 times to reveal user information since January 2012, followed by Japan with 98 andRead… Read more »

Automating online activities without IT intervention – using web tools to make jobs easier

There’s often lots of small – and not so small – activities that communications teams want to carry out online that would make their jobs easier, but aren’t really tasks to give to IT teams. For example, you may wish to update your agency’s Facebook and Twitter profile pictures when your logo changes, automatically postRead… Read more »

Five Lessons From Joplin Tornado – Social Media and Disaster Relief

By MICAH L. SIFRY Last week, I had the privilege of talking with Genevieve Williams and David Burton, two of the three authors of “The Use of Social Media for Disaster Recovery,” a 32-page guide built on the experiences they (and their co-author Rebecca Williams) had in the wake of the powerful and destructive tornadosRead… Read more »

What You Can Learn from HHS Facebook Pages (Part 3 of 3)

By Eric Diaz. Blog series originally posted at DK Web Consulting. Click here for Part 1 in the series on HHS Facebook page use. Click here for Part 2. It’s not just the private sector jumping on the social media bandwagon. Government agencies are using the robust Facebook platform to reach the public too. ThisRead… Read more »

To Hash or Not to Hash? A Decision Making Guide

Using a decision-making flowchart, this post helps people determine whether they should include one or more hashtags in their tweets. This guidance is offered as an extension of the recent post, 6 Tips to Avoid Making a Hash of Twitter Hashtags. The post also provides links to additional resources that enable both rookie and moreRead… Read more »

A Social Storm

Friday, brought a “hurricane without warning” to the DC metropolitan area. As has been the case with so many recent disruptions to daily life, social tools had another opportunity to demonstrate their ability to change the way we manage disruption. To be certain, this storm was a particular challenge; as cell network and landline phoneRead… Read more »