
Local Governments Increase Transparency Through GIS Technology

In this increasingly interconnected world people are used to accessing information quickly and easily. In turn, governments across the world are working to deliver information in a way that is more accessible, transparent and interactive to engage citizens. One way many governments are sharing information and communicating with citizens is through interactive maps. In aRead… Read more »

Mark Twain – User Adoption Specialist?

Originally published on Tri Tuns blog Insights. Recently I stumbled on a page of Mark Twain quotes. I realized that the insights and teachings of a man who died decades before modern information systems were even conceived may hold some of the greatest lessons for how to deliver successful technology adoption programs. While Mark, whoRead… Read more »

Frequent Blog Posts and Social Networks Means Success Per Study

Http://LeonardSipes.Com From MarketingCharts.Com: “American and European bloggers are relatively in agreement when it comes to the most effective ways to drive traffic to their blogs, both citing frequent updates and promotion on social networks as their top 2, per an Overblog study released in June 2012. Yet, when it comes to what defines the ultimateRead… Read more »

Digitizing medical records in a disaster and has cybersecurity morphed into cyberwar?

On today’s DorobekINSIDER When disaster strikes and you need medical attention, Dr. H. Allen Dobbs is the man to call. He revolutionized the world of disaster medicine. And for his work he has been nominated for a Service to America Medal. Click here for the full story. Has the cybersecurity conversation morphed into a conversationRead… Read more »

Getting medical info digitally in a disaster — how one SAMMIES finalist made it happen

When disasters strike — think hurricanes, wildfires or terrorists attacks– and you are in need of medical care, Dr. Herman Allen Dobbs is the guy to call. As the Chief Medical officer for the National Disaster Medical Systems at the Department of Health and Human Services, Dobbs worked to significantly improve the way disaster victimsRead… Read more »

What You Can Learn from HHS Facebook Pages (Part 2 of 3)

By Eric Diaz. Blog series originally posted at DK Web Consulting. Click here for Part 1 in the series on HHS Facebook page use. It’s not just the private sector jumping on the social media bandwagon. Government agencies are using the robust Facebook platform to reach the public too. This is the second installment ofRead… Read more »

Making mobility work at the Commerce Department — CIO Simon Szkyman

For agencies mobility is a bit of an enigma. For the first time, the customer and end user are really driving the push for mobile technology not the enterprise itself. That makes planning and executing a swift mobile policy difficult. That’s especially true at large cabinet level agencies like the Commerce Department. Commerce is currentlyRead… Read more »