
Why Feds Don’t Need Rebranding — Part III

Some argue that when it comes to polishing its public image, Feds should follow the rebranding examples of Corporate America. But Federal Government does not need to spend multiple millions of dollars — in our case with taxpayer money, whether real or perceived — to improve its public standing. Unlike the corporate world, we areRead… Read more »

Why Feds Don’t Need Rebranding – Part II

It’s true that negative public perceptions of Feds are more commonplace today than during prior years and decades — as discussed in Part I of my post on this topic. Therefore, some have suggested the solution is a wholescale rebranding of the Federal workforce, which appears to be a popular idea in theory. But toRead… Read more »

Humor Me

I was watching the development of a corporate post and realized it’s nearly impossible to maintain humor through multiple revisions, multiple editors. A pun isn’t funny the third time you read it. If you are squeezing out humor, you’d better stop, look around, and take some inspiration from Chezeburger Network. As one of our foundersRead… Read more »

GovBytes: Cities Unite for Planning Nationwide Data Portal

It appears that big developments in local open government stemming from high level planning between major US cities that has been in the works since 2009 could be bearing fruit within the next few months. A partnership of IT executives from Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, Seattle, Los Angeles, and San Francisco — known asRead… Read more »

New Research Survey: Federal Digital Communication Priorities

How can your agency improve its digital communication strategy? Is expanding engagement with external stakeholders your # 1 priority? What is the impact of social media? GovDelivery is conducting a new research study, “Federal Digital Communication Priorities.” The study seeks to identify the top digital communication priorities of the Federal Government sector. Please take aRead… Read more »

Carolyn Lukensmeyer to direct National Institute for Civil Discourse, transition from AmericaSpeaks

It’s official… Carolyn Lukensmeyer — who we all know as founder and president of AmericaSpeaks — is moving on to a new role. She’ll be serving as Executive Director of the University of Arizona-based National Institute for Civil Discourse. Carolyn gave me a call yesterday with a heads-up about today’s big announcement, and said whenRead… Read more »

GovBytes: Michelle Obama catches the Pinterest bug

Pinterest, with tremendous growth as of late, has made a splash in the world of social media. The photo-sharing website was the fastest website ever to break through 10 million unique visitors, and 40-60 percent of registrants regularly use the service after they’ve created accounts. First Lady Michelle Obama Joins Pinterest The service hasn’t escapedRead… Read more »