
Implementation of the Digital Government Strategy

from’s blog: Building a Better Digital Government The new Digital Government Strategy released by the White House aims to drive fundamental change in how we manage digital information and services to better serve the American people. There’s been a robust discussion online about the Strategy and what it means for government–which is itself aRead… Read more »

A MILE Ahead

The irrepressible Dr. Mohamed Moustafa Mahmoud (a.k.a. “3M” to his many friends and business contacts) weaves a bracing mix of past and future and business insight into every ten-minute presentation. As I sat listening to 3M welcome a group of CEO’s from the likes of Siemens, the Ulker-Turkey conglomerate and Jordan’s Hikmah Pharma group toRead… Read more »

Is Your Food Good, Yes?

I was asked once to review some automated programming services a state was offering. Funny thing, there was a statement that said, “If someone is available to answer your call, they will–if not call call later.” Good customer service? Someone thought so. I was appalled. This has to do with both customer service and training.Read… Read more »

Mobile Technologies and Collaborative Project Management

I’m interested in interviewing project managers about their experience using mobile technologies such as smartphones and tablet computers to support their project management work. A particular interest is the impact of such technologies have on the communication and collaboration that occurs during the course of a project. I’m currently writing an article about using mobileRead… Read more »

How Do You Organize and Utilize Your Crisis Communications Team?

We highlighted crisis communications a couple of weeks ago when we featured crisis communications expert Dr. Joe Trahan and his “go ugly early” approach. Crisis communications will be a hot topic at next week’s NAGC Communications School. I’m really interested to hear from others on how they distribute and redistribute tasks during a crisis. AtRead… Read more »

The Digital Government Strategy sounds great, but will it work? What the rise of social media means for gov’t

On our program today We’ve been talking a lot about the Obama administration’s Digital Government Strategy in part because technology is really chainging how people deal with government. But it’s also important to get insights about how feasible this strategy actually is. Will it work? Alan Balutis has been there and done it, both inRead… Read more »

The Rise of Social Government – Fels Institute Social Media Report Sneak Peak

This week I had the chance to sit in a 
webinar, The Rise of Social Government, which was presented by the Fels Institute and sponsored by GovDelivery. The webinar previewed a report that will be released shortly on how local governments are using social media. I thought it was a fascinating discussion; the
 slides andRead… Read more »