
Big data is great — BUT only when the information is accurate

Big Data — it’s the latest buzz word making its way across government. “Trends emerge and they get labeled. Provider flock to the new label, align themselves and say, ‘look we’ve always been doing this,’” says Paul Wohlleben the President of Wohlleben consulting and a former federal CIO. But what really is Big Data? WohllebenRead… Read more »

New research: Nearly 15 Percent of Work Email Is Gossip

New research: Nearly 15 Percent of Work Email Is Gossip When leaders “embargo” or “close hold” information about upcoming changes, I try to explain the conversations are already happening. The question is—do you want to be a participant? Here are data that show “negative” gossip, characterized through a Natural Language Text Processing analysis, was inRead… Read more »

Is the internet a force for good or evil in the eyes of government? And what does that mean for democracy?

We’ve often seen contrary positions taken by western democratic governments on the value of the internet – whether it can be used for good, or is a pit of evil. The US government, for instance, has promoted freedom of speech on the internet internationally, supporting the use of Tor and other tools to allow bloggersRead… Read more »

Tech talk: Implementing the new Digital Gov’t Strategy and renewed interest in Shared Services

On Today’s Edition of the DorobekINSIDER We’ve spent some time talking about the Obama administration’s Digital Government Strategy. Today, we’re going to talk about how that strategy can get implemented — and I know a lot of agencies are saying they have no money. GSA is hoping to help, and we’ll talk to the personRead… Read more »

Writing an effective tweet

Writing a tweet is easy – after all, what can you get wrong when you only have 140 characters to play with? Quite a lot, it turns out. Recently Ben and I did some training at a local authority up in the North-East, and part of it was a quick workshop on writing for theRead… Read more »

GSA’s SPF Program- Application deadline extended to 06/29/12

Fellow Federal Employees: If you are looking for a GREAT opportunity to learn about all aspects of Sustainability, work on meaningful projects, meet with others outside your Agency, and become a Sustainability Change Agent, consider applying for GSA’s Sustainability in Procurement Fellows (SPF) Program. This is a 6 month, intensive program where you work 20Read… Read more »

6.5 million LinkedIn passwords leaked online, change yours!

According to several links on LinkedIn, 6.5 million passwords have been leaked. Considering that there are about 100 million LinkedIn users, that’s a pretty high chance your (or my) passwords were leaked. I’d recommend changing your passwords not just on LinkedIn but for any account that shares that password. Change Your LinkedIn Passwords, Right Now!

GovLoop Research Report: Re-Imagining Customer Service in Government

GovLoop is proud to announce our latest resource, The GovLoop Research Report: Re-Imagining Customer Service in Government. In this report, we interviewed 11 government employees and conducted an online survey of 138 government employees from our GovLoop community. Customer service is a core function of government. With government customers having heightened expectations of the levelRead… Read more »