
GIS – Not Just for Programmers or Tech Savvy

Everyday there seems to be a new technology and new service that is being tested out. Many times, they involve geo-locational services as well, and running behind the scenes and helping to power the technology is Geographic Information Systems (GIS). GIS is not just for programmers or coders, there are dozens of applications of GISRead… Read more »

Customer Service Signature Initiative in Review: VA’s Blue Button

Nearly one year ago, President Obama released the Executive Order mandating agencies to improve how agencies deliver customer service. Each agency was required to announce a “signature initiative.” Now is a good time to look back at the impact of the Executive Order. If you head over to you can find a full listingRead… Read more »

The Perfect Reason to Hire a Proofreader

Recently, I was speaking with a new client who had just spent 43 hours writing her federal résumé and SES narratives. She said after that long she felt like she was writing the same thing over and over, knew there were typos and grammar errors, and just could not fathom reading them for at leastRead… Read more »

On Listening

As toddlers, it’s one of the first things we learn how to do. Then we go off to Kindergarten and get years of practice. We listen to our teachers, our classmates, our music instructors, our coaches, and our clergy. We listen to our friends, neighbors, siblings, and teammates. Some of us even grow up listeningRead… Read more »

Standardising content across government (or why does every agency have a different privacy policy?)

Every government website serves a different purpose and a different audience, however there are also standard content every site must have and legislation and standardised policies they must follow. This includes content such as a privacy policy, legal disclaimer, terms of use, accessibility statement, copyright, social media channels, contact page, information publication (FOI) pages andRead… Read more »

Digital Communication Best Practices Guide Now Available

GovDelivery just released a new guide – Public Sector Digital Communication Management Best Practices: The Critical Role of Email – that details tips and strategies culled from more than 500 state, local, federal and international government organizations. Government Technology recently ran an articlewith some strategies from this guide. With all the buzz around social media,Read… Read more »

TSA destined to fail? Insights from former administrator Kip Hawley and why workplace culture is essential

 On today’s program for Monday May 21st, 2012
 The TSA is up against an almost impossible task — protecting more than 2 million travelers each day — but are they up for the task? We talk to the former TSA administrator Kip Hawley. To get the best talent — you need to match google,Read… Read more »