
How to succeed as a political appointee, Harnessing the power of big data, Ranking local gov’t social media sites

 On today’s program for Thursday May 10th, 2012

 How to 
succeed in government leadership — and yes, that includes political leadership. We’ll talk to Paul Lawrence, one of the authors of the new book, Paths to Making a Difference: Leading in Government. Big data — it’s the latest buzz word floating around government. ButRead… Read more »

Is local government’s reach growing? Find out how your city faired in the social media standings

Local governments are trying to engage the public more. One of the fastest and easiest ways to do that is through social media platforms. Think Facebook and Twitter.
 But some local governments are quicker and more efficient at adopting these new tools than others.
 Karen Mossberger is the Professor and Head at the Public AdministrationRead… Read more »

Social Networks: If You Build It, Will they Come?

By: Grant Asplund Originally posted on Federal Blue Print In an age where technology is changing in the blink of an eye, there is one thing we know for certain: social media applications and networks are here to stay. While old technologies such as voice and instant messenger persist, more and more agencies are integratingRead… Read more »

Six Ways Evangelists Can Promote Like Sports Illustrated Supermodel Kate Upton

Mark Drapeau (Washington, DC) – Recently, I wrote an essay about how the open government movement could do a better job of engaging mainstream media, and more specifically how the simultanous Transparency Camp and White House Correspondents Dinner weekend could make better connections. One criticism of this is that the WHCD is too focused onRead… Read more »

Last day to contribute to NSW State Archive’s Web 2.0 Recordkeeping Survey

The NSW State Archives has been holding a survey on social media use by NSW government organisations to inform the development of an online training course on social media recordkeeping. Your feedback will also help the NSW State Archives to “recommend some specific recordkeeping strategies that will work with both the social media tools thatRead… Read more »

Reaching Critical Communities through News and Social Media

Http://LeonardSipes.Com Pew Study-Background: “A recent study conducted by the Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism and Internet & American Life Project, in partnership with the Knight Foundation, finds that nearly three-quarters of Americans (72%) report following local news closely “most of the time, whether or not something important is happening.” In contrast, one-quarterRead… Read more »

Using Video or Audio to Explain and Sell Your Website

Http://LeonardSipes.Com This site specializes in public relations and social media for government, associations and nonprofits but the bulk of innovation in the use of video or audio to explain and sell websites comes from the commercial sector. The question is whether non-commercial sites should adopt the same strategies? The bulk of visitors to any websiteRead… Read more »

Maxwell School to offer #electionclass on social media during 2012 presidential campaign

Reposted from the Maxwell School’s official press release: In the lead-up to a presidential campaign that promises to capitalize on the internet more than any previous election, a class at Syracuse University’s Maxwell School will allow graduate students to study the role of social media in campaigns and government. In the fall semester, Assistant ProfessorRead… Read more »