
Santa Cruz Startup Changes the Game of Online Privacy!

This is a blog post by Civinomics’ very own Nora Lewis. Privacy Choice is a local startup here in Santa Cruz and they’re changing the way we think about privacy. Here at Civinomics, we have an inherent interest in promoting new, innovative, and especially disruptive ideas. We think Privacy Choice is awesome, and you probablyRead… Read more »

Protect Yourself Online – Just Common Sense

There is a lot of hysteria about online privacy. It’s easy to understand when there’s an ad scrolling across the top of your screen referencing the words you just typed into the email you’re composing. Creepy. I mean, if they’re watching what you type, what else are they doing with your private information? I guessRead… Read more »

GovBytes: State governments begin focusing on website analytics

State governments are beginning to focus on website analytics, something we here at GovLoop are very familiar with. They are taking advantage of Google Analytics, a free tool which assesses hits and traffic, to determine how people are utilizing their websites. States like California are even publishing these statistics right on their homepages for peopleRead… Read more »

Obama campaign wants you to help build Spotify playlist

I saw this story on MSNBC today and thought it was very interesting. (In full disclosure, I love Spotify. Best music app around!)
 Obama campaign wants your help building Spotify playlistConsidering that President Barack Obama’s staff has already incorporated Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, Instagram and just about every other
social media service you can think of intoRead… Read more »

Public Servants – Need help funding your education?

Just wanted to let everyone know about an event we’re hosting on Friday that may be of interest to the group. Spread the word! Happy Public Service Recognition Week! Cross posted from Teachers, firefighters, police officers, government employees, military—day in and day out these public servants work tirelessly for citizens across the country. ToRead… Read more »

Sneak Peak of HP New Media Gallery at Newseum – Audio

Last week I had the chance to get a sneak peak of the HP New Media Gallery, which will open on Friday at the Newseum. The exhibit is absolutely fantastic, and is a great display of social media’s increasingly important role in journalism and society. From a Newseum press release (download here), “The gallery isRead… Read more »