
GovBytes: Palo Alto Mayor Uses Twitter to Chat with Residents

Social Media is becoming ever more ingrained in the political landscape, and the government of Palo Alto — a city known for its tech savvy — is taking advantage. Palo Alto Mayor Yiaway Yeh and City Manager James Keene participated in two Twitter discussions with resident recently. Participants could use the hashtag #askpaloalto during theRead… Read more »

Battling back from a Gov’t PR nightmare and a New Tool makes Twitter easier to use

Battling back from a Gov’t PR nightmare and a New Tool makes Twitter easier to use by GovLoop Insights On today’s program for Thursday April 26, 2012 It’s been one of the worst weeks ever for public servants. Advice on how to be a good leader from the Partnership for Public Service. TwitChimp — theRead… Read more »

Amid a rough month for public service, recognition and the silver lining

Let’s face it; it hasn’t been the best few weeks for federal government. Between the GSA scandal, the Secret Service scandal, and the dishonorable acts of a few soldiers in Afghanistan, public servants are getting a bad rap. Luckily, we know 98% of federal workers are hard-working, mission-driven people focused on efficiency. Christopher Dorobek ofRead… Read more »

Your top 7 Gov’t Stories: including how blasting the president on Facebook can get your fired

The SEVEN stories that impact your life for Thursday the 26th of April, 2012 A Marine has been discharged after making disparaging comments about the president on Facebook. CNN says Sergeant Gary Stein was given an “other-than-honorable” discharge after Stein called Obama a liar and suggested he would not follow some orders issued by theRead… Read more »

A Porsche, a K-Car and a Donkey walk into an organization…

4 Steps to Successful Enterprise Software Implementations At a recent public sector conference, I watched a few senior executives from different geographies get into an animated discussion about enterprise software. Despite their differences, these executives shared one common problem – the never ending implementation and the ballooning price tag of their enterprise software project. InRead… Read more »

Patient Opinion launches in Australia

One of the UK’s social media success stories, Patient Opinion, has now launched an Australian website at Patient Opinion, which has been live since 2005, allows patients to rate and comment on their experience with health providers. It has been an amazing (if sometimes painful) success in the UK, leading to a number ofRead… Read more »

Serendipity & butterflies wings

A butterflies wings flap. Someone sends a tweet. A government falls and rises again. But the beauty of Twitter is not in the very great consequences but in the small. Not the detail neither but in the flow and sway of unguarded conversations and chit chat about the weather. I can’t remember where my ownRead… Read more »

Surviving “Carmageddon”

Last summer, Judy Gish, Public Information Officer for the California Department of Transportation’s (Caltrans) District 7, had a very unenviable task: keep 500,000 vehicles off of I-405 in Los Angeles during a mid-July weekend. Impossible? You might think so, but Gish led a communications effort that was so successful that it was a non-event. MotoristsRead… Read more »

Customer Service Bill Is Resurrected

Will feds soon be asking their customers if they are satisfied with the service they’ve received? Following the customer service initiatives launched by Gore’s reinventing government team in the 1990s, the federal government has waxed and waned on the importance of customer service in the course of serving the public. With citizen satisfaction with governmentRead… Read more »