
What are Australian Government agencies using social media to achieve?

I’m still collecting responses to my FOI request, however felt it worth providing some interim data on what Australian Government agencies are telling me that they are using social media to achieve. Of the 166 FOI requests I sent out, I have, so far, received 59 legitimate responses in survey format (35%), another 10-20 inRead… Read more »

Stress and Public Relations

Http://LeonardSipes.Com Tonya Garcia from PR Newser reports on findings from CareerCast regarding the most ten most stressful jobs. Selected findings: Public relations officers were second on the list. Photojournalists were fourth. Newscasters (television and radio news presenters) ranked as fifth. Advertising Account Executives were sixth. Observation on the PR profession from the article, “This highly-competitiveRead… Read more »

Losing control in the digital age

Press officers, communications teams, I am told, do not like losing control. So the advent of digital technology could be conceived to be their worst nightmare. Now, I’ve never worked in a communications team where control was something hung on to for dear life so I can’t comment on this from a personal perspective. ButRead… Read more »

Social Media to the Rescue

The last couple of weeks have been tumultuous at different agencies in the US government. For the fourth time in as many months, Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta faced the media last week to state that the “actions of a few do not reflect the character of the US military”. It sounds so much likeRead… Read more »

TSP Talk Weekly Wrap Up – 4/21/12

As earnings and economic reports rolled in, the stock market bounced around trying to find direction. The normally historically positive option expiration week during the April earnings season did finish with gains, but it was not an easy task as the sellers were not too far behind any rally. For the TSP, the C-fund gainedRead… Read more »

New Social Media Site Announces New Search and Discovery Features is a new capability designed to help make Twitter better serve several niches of the community. TwitChimp makes it easy for experts on any topic to create curated lists of Twitter accounts to follow. These lists are then made easy to discover, which helps those seeking producers of relevant content. Although Twitchimp is stillRead… Read more »

Value for the Money: What governments need to tell the tax-paying public

Most of us paid our taxes this week, and didn’t grumble too much. But taxpayers may not have had a great sense of satisfaction about it either. By Eric Rabe, Fels Senior Advisor A Pew study last year found that most Americans are “frustrated” with the federal government — a number that has been aboveRead… Read more »

SharePoint Disaster Recovery – Oxymoron?

I know I’m going to get a lot of flack for this post. I’m sorry, I just can’t sit by watch companies throw away hundreds, or even thousands of dollars every month. I just received an announcement for a webinar on ‘SharePoint Disaster Recovery’ (DR). Forgive me, but Isn’t that an oxymoron? Google Sites, whichRead… Read more »

If Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus and MySpace were Aussie states

Many of you are probably aware that Facebook’s active membership is larger than the population of the world’s third largest country, however the numbers are getting too big to relate to Australia. So I’ve taken the idea and compiled a view of Australia by state, including the main social networks used by Aussies as ifRead… Read more »