
GovBytes: Philly Police Officers Use Personal Twitter Accounts

Philadelphia police are packing … smartphones, that is. The Philly police department is arming 15 officers with Twitter accounts, so that they may tweet updates while on duty and interact with the community. The departments communications director, Karima Zedan, claims that the benefits will be that officers will maintain a positive presence in the communityRead… Read more »

Checking in on the DoD Networks with Rob Carey, Hacking with a purpose at NASA and HUD makes training more effective

Carey, Skytland and Cohen by GovLoop Insights On today’s program for Thursday April 19th, 2012: The DoD networks — Deputy CIO Rob Carey walks us through the power, technology, acquisition and budgeting of the DoD network. NASA is trying to harness the world’s hacking power for good. It’s part of its International Space Apps Challenge.Read… Read more »

How Did Caine’s Arcade Get Famous?

By now, you’ve probably heard of Caine Monroy, a nine year old boy who built a carnival-like arcade out of cardboard boxes in his dad’s auto shop. The short documentary was viewed more than 4.5 million times in just a week, netting him a $152,000 scholarship, a non-profit foundation to help kids reach their dreams,Read… Read more »

BREAKING: #HIGH5FLASHMOB infront of the White House on Pennsylvania Today at 12:30

Good Morning GovLoop, To my delight, I found out today is National High 5 Day. In celebration I am organizing a #HIGH5FLASHMOB infront of the White House at 12:30 today. Come join us for the fun. Please tweet: #HIGH5FlashMob @ 12:30 infront of the@whitehouse on Pennsylvania 4 #NATIONALHIGH%DAY. Please RT Please make your facebook status:Read… Read more »

Bayer Launches Pinterest Boards About Healthcare, Nutrition, High-tech Materials

Stephanie Baum (Philadelphia, PA) – Social photo-sharing platform Pinterest has skyrocketed in popularity due to users passionate about topics like fashion and food. But now, “Big Pharma” companies are also beginning to use Pinterest to speak to their audiences. Bayer Corporation established a presence on Pinterest in recent weeks in a sign that pharmaceutical companiesRead… Read more »

Why influence, not RoI, matters for local government social media

On the whole, UK councils are doing a nice job of using social media – possibly we caught on early because we’re used to making the most of tools that don’t cost much. ‘Fair play ‘ as we say here in Wales, we’re doing getting better at engaging. But there’s loads of room to improve.Read… Read more »

Swim Lane Graphics Offer a Better View of Your Resource Pool

Swimlane Graphics and Pools are Used to Organize Process Diagrams and Their Contents Stay in your lane Swimlanes divide the process diagram into horizontal areas that are used to organize the items on the process diagram. Swimlane graphics improve the readability of process diagrams. Everybody in the pool The collection of swimlanes of a processRead… Read more »

MapStory: Something really cool

Chris Tucker is an innovator, and entrepreneur, and a community-focused visionary renowned for his leadership abilities. He has been working hard on a new project which is beginning to excite me for its potential. His new activity is called MapStory. It is a capability that enables the creation of collaborative stories over maps. Users canRead… Read more »