
Chicago-Based CrowdSpring Powers Free Creative Work For Nonprofits

Mark Drapeau (Washington, DC) — Even when a successful nonprofit takes in a lot of money, much of it is earmarked for carrying out their main mission. Things like advertising, design work, and other activities, while valuable, are expendable if funds are limited. Now, a creative services company is helping them, pro bono. Crowdspring– aRead… Read more »

Frequently Asked Questions for Gov 2.0: How do we manage the resourcing requirements of engaging online?

Another question I get asked regularly is “How do we manage the resourcing requirements of engaging online?” This is an interesting ‘length of string’ question as the resourcing requirements of social media vary dramatically depending on why and how an organisation chooses to use social media. Generally the more engaging your participation the higher theRead… Read more »

HelpMeConsult: Independent Guide to Formal E-Consultation

Also announced today was HelpMeConsult, another online resource for online consultations. From the blog post: The second lanch is a solo project. It’s called ‘HelpMeConsult‘ and is an independent guide to (formal) eConsultation. It contains details of the various solutions, legal matters and tips/tactics. So, just another data push? Wrong! We’re adding a premium contentRead… Read more »

Training – Online, In-Person, Blended — What works and What doesn’t?

When it comes to training there are a whole bunch of different philosophies: webinars, online and in-person. But one thing is certain government workers need to be in a culture of continual learning. But tight budgets, baby boomers retiring and the GSA conference scandal mean trainings are under more scrutiny than ever. Now there isRead… Read more »

Can Ping Pong, Naps and Video Games really make you more productive?

Can ping pong, naps and video games really make you more productive/innovative? A new book “Imagine,” by Jonah Lehre says yes. Lehre contends that these breaks can help alleviate the pressure and help you think outside the box. He told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER program the reason that you often get your best ideasRead… Read more »

Teleworking Isn’t As Easy As It Seems (How in the world do you work from anywhere?)

After a decade of working for other people, I’ve started my own business. I’m pretty excited. I’m using my skills, knowledge, abilities, and connections, and I have no one to answer to but myself. If I succeed, it’s because I worked hard. If I fail, it’s because I didn’t get the formula right. The bestRead… Read more »

How Ping Pong helps Agencies Innovate, Making Budget Transparency Easy, and the 411 on Online Training

How Ping Pong helps Agencies Innovate, Making Budget Transparency Easy, and the 411 on Training by GovLoop Insights On Today’s DorobekINSIDER for Tuesday April 17, 2012: The science behind innovation — and how showering, napping and ping pong fit into the process. Really…ping pong makes people more creative. You’ll learn how with a new bookRead… Read more »

Data Transparency Coalition launches with fourteen members and one mission

[Editor’s note: This update is cross-posted on the Data Transparency Coalition’s blog.] Yesterday, thirteen tech companies and one nonprofit organization launched the Data Transparency Coalition.Our ambition is to be the main private-sector voice for federal data reform. We want the government to publish its information online and use consistent data identifiers and markup languages toRead… Read more »

Bug Bounty Programs : Encourage Responsible Disclosure

Bug Bounty Programs Encourage Responsible Disclosure From Hackers The idea that you might pay someone else to keep quiet a vulnerability while you fix it may seem a bit backward to some in computer security. It would also seem to invite attacks on infrastructure. It’s no surprise, then, that many companies with technological products don’tRead… Read more »