
Frequently Asked Questions about Gov 2.0: How do we convince risk-averse management to say yes to social media initiatives?

This is the second in my series of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) posts to address some of the ‘persistent’ questions related to social media and Government 2.0. The question I am addressing is “How do we convince risk-averse management to say yes to social media initiatives?” This is one of the most common questions IRead… Read more »

Rightdoing at GSA

Today, I want to throw some kudos to one of my favorite agencies, the General Services Administration (GSA). GSA does great things for the federal government and the American people – including save taxpayer dollars. They provide services to federal agencies. But as important, they coordinate important management efforts across agencies, helping eliminate expensive duplicationRead… Read more »

The Fundamentals of Government Procurement: Part II

April’s blog posts are dedicated to the fundamental “blocking and tackling” of our procurement system. Given recent events, this week I am going to focus on the vital importance of nurturing and maintaining a highly qualified, professional acquisition workforce. I believe in the professionalism and dedication of our acquisition community and am proud to beRead… Read more »

FAILFaire: Embracing, Celebrating, and Learning from Failure in Government – May 7

Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure… than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat. – Theodore Roosevelt But all too often in government, another famous sayingRead… Read more »

Why Morale Matters, Proving Gov’s Innovative Abilities and One Gov’t Worker Taking Nevada by Storm

Managing Morale, Government Catalyst for Innovation and Gov’t employee making a difference in Nevada by GovLoop Insights On today’s program for Monday April 16th 2012: With all that is happening out there — GSA, now the Secret Service… we’re going to talk about how the moral in your organization. How is it these days? ClearlyRead… Read more »

Govbytes: Maryland employers banned from requesting Facebook credentials

In a move which adds to the national debate over whether it should be lawful for employers to ask applicants for Facebook passwords — and ends it in Maryland — the state last week became the 1st to ban the practice. Facebook also recently took a stand against employers requiring passwords during the hiring process.Read… Read more »

Social sentiment matters!

Social sentiment matters — customer opinions, attitudes, and emotions — rants and raves that affect corporate reputation, provide valuable market and brand insights, and help you understand and engage with customers. Yet there are too many low-grade tools out there. Sentiment analysis done right is about much, much more than simply scoring tweets and reviews.Read… Read more »

The Good Workplace Snitch

“This place is a hell hole. If I had a car today I would up and quit.” This was a real Facebook post, though not too uncommon, and shared by a social network “friend” with their mutual employer! Facebook “snitching”, as it’s been coined, has prompted a lot of discussion among HR professionals who areRead… Read more »

Continuous Improvement Is About Engaging Employees

Not very long ago Honeywell was a troubled company. Several years ago Honeywell changed how it operated by focusing on continuous improvement and engaging all levels of employees. The new management approach, which also involved the implementation of Six Sigma has had a positive impact. Every department in Honeywell, including the smallest shop-floor unit startsRead… Read more »