
MobileGov Apps on Display

Last week, we wrote about great mobile products presented rapid-fire. Here are a few: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Did you register yet for our FREE Mobile Platform Development Series? Learn about how to get your apps into the app stores! Learn more. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

What is the STOCK Act? Why are SESers up in arms?

We are hearing a LOT of concern out there about the STOCK Act— the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act. This is the bill –– now law — designed to deal with lawmakers using an insider scoop from making money off of that information. Essentially, it makes insider trading by lawmakers illegal, which is aRead… Read more »

STOCK Act ruffles the SES, The Secret Sauce to Presidential Leadership and the Plight of Public Libraries

STOCK Act ruffles the SES, The Secret Sauce to Presidential Leadership, the Public Libraries Plight by GovLoop Insights We have a good program for you today Tuesday April 10, 2012. The STOCK Act…this is the law signed by President Obama last week. Did you know it has some real implications for federal senior executives? We’llRead… Read more »

7 Basic Principles For Open Government

The steps necessary to making government more transparent are often not that expensive or cumbersome. What is needed more than anything is a change of mindset among government officials. Several civic organizations including Citizens Union, Common Cause New York, League of Women Voters of New York State, and the New York Public Interest Research GroupRead… Read more »

I need a (small) favour

Hi Everyone, I have a small favour to ask you. I’ve started to work informally with a small Startup based in Waterloo. We are developing a product that helps people turn their digital social media footprint into a weekly mail out to family, friends, and/or stakeholders. We’ve reached the point where we need some betaRead… Read more »

Applying Great Leader Communication Secrets

I’ll be proposing a new initiative this week to my boss, and I found it very useful to look at these ten secrets and apply them to improve my presentation as well as help integrate them into my leadership toolbox. — “10 Communication Secrets of Great Leaders”

Democratizing Deliberation: pre-order this must-have book today

I’m really excited about a book that’s about to be published by the Kettering Foundation, called Democratizing Deliberation. We’re going to be working with Kettering to engage NCDDers around the book’s content, because we feel the book covers topics of great import to our field. It’s always challenging for practitioners to find the time toRead… Read more »