
Twitter for Rookies: Simple Guidance for Getting Started

Still not certain whether you should take the Twitter plunge? The best way to determine its value is to give it a try. Focusing on using Twitter professionally rather than personally – including staying current with local, national, and global news – this post offers simple best practice suggestions for setting up your profile andRead… Read more »

Join Our Research Study: Can Government Create Great Customer Service?

Take 5 minutes and help us, help you. Take the GovLoop Customer Service in Government Survey. Survey Link I’m conducting a research study on “Re-Imagining Customer Service in Government.” Our study hopes to understand current trends in government customer service and opportunities for improvement.The results of this survey will be used to create a GovLoopRead… Read more »

TSP Talk – Jobs and Earnings

The stock market became tentative before Friday’s jobs report, and with good reason. For the TSP, the C-fund lost 0.67% last week, the S-fund lost 1.06%, the I-fund dropped 2.79%, while the F-fund (bonds) gained 0.09% and the G-fund was up 0.02%. The S&P 500 has been testing and so far holding the 20-day EMA,Read… Read more »

Perils of The Open Mike – Bill Connor’s April 5 Column From

Just as surely as the sun will rise tomorrow in the east, politicians and business types will continue to forget the presence of a live microphone at precisely the wrong times. Consider President Obama talking sotto voce with Dmitry Medvedev after a joint appearance a couple of weeks ago, confiding to the Russian President thatRead… Read more »

FOIA, I hardly know ya! (Yearly Report Card on Federal Government’s efforts to track and manage Freedom of Information Act requests)

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests are a critical element of business development and capture. This is how you learn about a pursuit’s history and your competition. The problem is – FOIA requests are tricky: They take forever to obtain – so someone needs to carefully track them and follow up relentlessly to getRead… Read more »

CTO Security Report

600,000+ Mac Computers Infected While this kind of activity wouldn’t rouse much attention from those esconced in WinTel (Windows and Intel) architechures, it is much less common for Mac users to be impacted by infections on this scale so quickly. The infection, called Flashback, is installed via a Java vulnerability (CVE 2012-0507) which was patchedRead… Read more »