
Remove PDFs from your site to save money and increase traffic by 160x – the experience of the Vic Department of Primary Industries

While there may now be accessibility techniques for PDFs, this doesn’t mean that the format is necessarily the most appropriate for displaying information on the web and attracting usage, as the Victorian Department of Primary Industries discovered when they removed all PDFs from their website and converted them to web pages. As reported in thwRead… Read more »

Australian government agencies achieving the highest click-throughs of all sectors for email marketing campaigns

I’ve been browsing the latest Email Market Matrics Australia report from Vision6 and it definitely has good news for government agencies. This series of reports has been running since the second half of 2006 and has, for me, provided a very useful insight into the effectiveness of email marketing in Australia over the last fiveRead… Read more »

3 Tech Trends In Government

Since GovLoop was founded, we have been holding various meet ups for government employees across the country. Our latest stop was in Austin, Texas, in which we gathered to discuss three of the top technology trends in government. Our session focused on social media, mobile, and cloud technology. The event was not only a greatRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: How do you engage with your employees?

Yesterday evening, Federal Coach Tom Fox at the Washington Post shared the Department of Transportation’s “Cheat Sheet for Engaging Employees”. These are the recommended tips “to help boost the morale and job satisfaction of your employees”: · Drop by employee meetings · Listen to your employees · Let employees know you · Celebrate the OathRead… Read more »

Records and Information Management FOSE Track 2012 – Register Today for Discount

I am looking forward to attending the FOSE Conference April 3-5 in Washington DC. This is the final post in a blog series highlighting the 2012 conference tracks. Throughout this week I have been highlighting one of the tracks and provide some insights on what you can expect to see at FOSE 2012. The fiveRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: March 30, 2012

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Mobility means many things. GOV.Aol has three pieces on mobility: first, a reprint of a FedInsider article argues that in addition to thinking about hardware (all those shiny new iPads), agencies need to be thinking about the applications they’ll deploy on them. The next two articles are about (guess what?) mobile apps. AndRead… Read more »

Identify the Right People to Manage Your Social Media Initiatives

A version of this post originally appeared on this blog last year. I’m re-posting it with a few minor modifications because I’m giving a presentation based on this content next Tuesday at 10:15am EST at PRSA’s Digital Impact Conference. If you’ll also be attending, let’s get together. Who leads your organization’s social media initiatives? IsRead… Read more »

The consequence of the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012

Deltek Analyst Evan Halperin reports. On February 22, President Barack Obama signed the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012 into law. The bill provides a variety of benefits to help middle class Americans, including Medicare payment extensions, social security payroll tax cuts, extension of job incentives to small businesses, as wellRead… Read more »