
Top U.S. Navy Communicators Recognized

The U.S. Navy Chief of Information yesterday announced the organization’s Mass Communication Specialists of the Year. Navy Mass Communications Specialists are enlisted personnel who perform all aspects of Navy public affairs, journalism, photography and other related functions. Each year, the Navy selects the top performers from sailors serving at sea, on land, and in theRead… Read more »

Spread the News—HHS Innovation Challenge ($21,000 Prize): Develop a Web-Based App that Tracks Twitter Data to Identify Trending Illnesses

HHS Innovation Challenge ($21K Prize): “Now Trending #Health In My Community” Keep your Community Healthy! Leverage open source Twitter data to find illnesses being discussed Select a geographic area of interest Generate a daily list of the top 5 trending illnesses for state and local health departments Join the U.S. Department of Health and HumanRead… Read more »

Health Technology Startup Incubator Launches in New York

Deanna Pogorelc (New York, NY) – In the midst of a good deal of discussion about incubators, a new health and wellness tech incubator has launched in New York. Rather than focusing on traditional medical and healthcare devices and drugs, WellTech Funding is targeting “bold and buildable” companies that tackle unsolved problems in the $2Read… Read more »

Two Solutions for Journalism’s Most Pressing Digital Problems

Http://leonardSipes.Com “Truth is mighty and will prevail. There is nothing the matter with this, except that it ain’t so.” Mark Twain I apologize for the audacity of suggesting that I know how to fix the media’s digital problems. I have been associated with state and national media for over 30 years and I want toRead… Read more »

Better Website Interaction Metrics for Economic Development

For the purposes of local or regional economic development, Internet exposure of marketing material is incredibly important. However, understanding whether the Internet exposure is actually supporting goals and objectives, and to what degree it’s generating useful interaction, isn’t easy, and certainly takes more people, time and expertise to work out than this simple blog postRead… Read more »

How to Not Get Fired Using Facebook at Work: Fussing Over Unflattering Photos

Last week, I started the first of a four-part series on “How to Use Social Media and Not Jeopardize Your Job.” This week, we’re covering a scenario where two colleagues have taken their in-office animosity online: Dan and Jeff are like oil and water in the office. Despite sharing a common mission, they can’t seemRead… Read more »

Social @Work – “How tos” vs “Don’t dos”

As an Air Force vet, it’s hard humbling to point to another service and say, ‘Damn, they do that right.’ It’s especially hard humbling when I have to say, “Damn, the US Army* did that right.” The US Army’s Office of the Chief of Public Affairs, Online and Social Media Division created a handbook onRead… Read more »

U.S. Army Tops List of Most Engaging Agency Twitter Feeds

Twitter is a popular way for federal agencies to share updates on their organization and to converse with inquiring citizens. Yet a healthy Twitter presence is about more than just an impressive band of followers. Various other factors impact how effective a given Twitter feed may be, including replies, mentions, and outgoing tweets. One ofRead… Read more »

Bridging the International Corporate Geo-Cultural Divide or Presenter Beware and Buyer Be Aware

For the first time I was accused of being “Amero-centric.” This caught me off guard as I tend to see life as double-edged; the glass is frequently both half full and half empty. I’m trained to see the strengths and potentialities, vulnerabilities and faults of individuals, groups, and systems. I’m a big fan of F.Read… Read more »

The Yelp for gov’t healthcare, Ranking state’s transparency and using virtual worlds to save real world bridges

The Yelp for gov’t healthcare, Ranking state’s transparency and using virtual worlds to save bridges by GovLoop Insights Tuesday March 27, 2012: Happy Tuesday… We have to start out with the historic debate at the U.S. Supreme Court yesterday over the health care bill — the first of three days of talks. The Washington PostRead… Read more »