
Is online influence measurable or meaningful?

Online influence is a hot topic right now, with companies such as Klout, PeerIndex, Empire Avenue and Kred all building online services that aim to measure the influence of internet users, in order to better target advertising dollars. But how effective are these services really? Does the number of followers, retweets or likes or someRead… Read more »

Reviews: Check the Box or Meaningful?

As a Human Resources professional, I have seen countless review forms in my career. Some good, some bad. Regardless, are they helpful? Some organizations have a culture that promotes reviews as a “check the box” to stop the HR person from hassling them over turning in their reviews. I worked at one organization where IRead… Read more »

TSP Talk – Dip in Stocks

Stocks saw modest losses last week, but the upside trends remain intact. We’re entering earnings warnings season so next week, the last week in March, tends to be a little bumpy. For the TSP, the C-fund lost 0.49% last week, the S-fund dropped 0.42%, the I-fund fell 1.48%, while the F-fund (bonds) added 0.22% andRead… Read more »

Facebook says no to employers logging into applicants profiles

An article on Mashable reports that Facebook has decided that it’s time to take a stand against employers who insist on logging into applicants Facebook accounts. The practice is against Facebooks Statement of Rights and Responsibilities. Chief Privacy Officer for Facebook Erin Egan, who released the statement affirming Facebook’s commitment to fighting this practice, hadRead… Read more »

Pay freezes, job cuts, retirement changes, all possibilities in the Republican Budget Proposal

Pay freezes, job cuts, retirement changes, all possibilities in the Republican Budget Proposal by GovLoop Insights Welcome to GovLoop Insights Issue of the Week with Chris Dorobek… where each week, our goal is to find an issue — a person — an idea — then helped define the past 7-days… and we work to findRead… Read more »