
Would you “Like” Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce?

Here’s the question, right up front. How would Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce use social media to promote their clients’ products? (Before you say, “they would have no use for it, as advertisers in the 60s,” let’s just pretend.) Obviously, they’d use it. It’s a great marketing tool, and their clients would expect a great socialRead… Read more »

Find Out if You’re Reaching Federal Execs in All the Right Places

Knowing where and how to reach senior decision-makers at civilian and defense agencies is a vital component to every marketing effort aimed at the federal government. Market Connections and Sara Leiman, VP Media Director at TMP Government, are excited to announce the release of this year’s Federal Media and Marketing Study. The 4th installment ofRead… Read more »

Meet Five Hot New College Startups

Mark Drapeau (Washington, DC) — Most people still approach their time spent in college in a traditional way: Try to get into the best one you can, take what you think are useful classes and get good grades, and when you get close to graduation look for a “good job.” But some of the mostRead… Read more »

Transparency and Open Government? But, How?

In light of recent federal reform to modernize records management government-wide, a new chapter opens promoting transparency and accountability of information at the state, city and local levels. In fact, this sentiment was echoed recently at county and city events in discussions about transparency and open government becoming more than just a hot button topic.Read… Read more »

Risk management coming into focus for law enforcement

Law enforcement officials maintain a delicate relationship with the communities they protect. They must ensure the safety of citizens while also acting as a force for justice. As communities and law enforcement activities become more complex, officials are seeking out new ways to handle relationship management and avoid risk. CivSource spoke with Captain Mark LongRead… Read more »

On Becoming an IT Solution Architect – 5 Critical Practices

The Information Technology (IT) inventory of HR role and position labels is broad and deep. IT position descriptions may be closely associated with actual black box technology (like “Microsft Windows Server 2008 Administrator” or “Storage Area Network (SAN) Engineer”), or they may describe roles in a methodology-driven context required for IT success (“IT Project Manager”,Read… Read more »