
Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning During a Crisis

With so many new technologies at the disposal of IT departments to help during an emergency, IT departments need to be proactive while planning for natural disasters, outages, cyber –crime and a dozens of potential events that could jeopardize network accessibility. In a current white paper from Century Link, Century Link provides some insights asRead… Read more »

Password Please

At the beginning of the month, I wrote a blog about how a study showed that Facebook may just be a reliable assessment tool for recruiters. It sparked a conversation about whether employers should be using Facebook to screen applicants. Flash forward a couple of weeks, and stories about job seekers being asked for FacebookRead… Read more »

Breaking News: Microsoft Partners With World Class Best Cyber Firm Kyrus Tech Inc and Helps Defeat Some Very Bad Criminals

We have previously written about Kyrus Tech Inc and have highlighted their unique capability called Carbon Black. We have worked with the team of experts there in the past and I am very proud to have been professionally associated with Michael Tanji since we were both in government in the mid 1990′s. We have alsoRead… Read more »

Cyberwar – hype or reality? The end of CSIOs? and the future of Virtual Worlds

Cyberwar – hype or reality? The end of CSIOs? and the future of Virtual Worlds by GovLoop Insights On today’s show Monday March 26, 2012. It’s a busy week for the DorobekINIDER… Wednesday is Federal Computer Week’s annual Fed 100 Awards gala… some really remarkable winners this year. Here’s the link to the full list.Read… Read more »

Is online influence measurable or meaningful?

Online influence is a hot topic right now, with companies such as Klout, PeerIndex, Empire Avenue and Kred all building online services that aim to measure the influence of internet users, in order to better target advertising dollars. But how effective are these services really? Does the number of followers, retweets or likes or someRead… Read more »

Reviews: Check the Box or Meaningful?

As a Human Resources professional, I have seen countless review forms in my career. Some good, some bad. Regardless, are they helpful? Some organizations have a culture that promotes reviews as a “check the box” to stop the HR person from hassling them over turning in their reviews. I worked at one organization where IRead… Read more »

TSP Talk – Dip in Stocks

Stocks saw modest losses last week, but the upside trends remain intact. We’re entering earnings warnings season so next week, the last week in March, tends to be a little bumpy. For the TSP, the C-fund lost 0.49% last week, the S-fund dropped 0.42%, the I-fund fell 1.48%, while the F-fund (bonds) added 0.22% andRead… Read more »