
Keeping Our Hats in Separate Boxes: How We Manage Our Civic, Personal, and Professional Online Lives

Recently, I was in an auditorium waiting for a distinguished lecturer. He came out to a standing ovation, and when everyone was seated, said: “Your applause is humbling; an hour ago my 14-year old daughter told me in no uncertain terms that I was cruel, unreasonable, and didn’t know anything about anything.” A few weeksRead… Read more »

“Make It So!”

A previous post, “Putting Commercial Back in Commercial Item Contracting,” lead to an interview Monday afternoon with host Francis Rose on Federal News Radio’s “In-Depth.” During the course of the interview Francis asked if I had seen changes in behavior as a result of the Administration’s “Myth-Busters” campaign. I responded by citing GSA’s willingness toRead… Read more »

Social media management software: The next step in public safety?

Deltek Analyst Evan Halperin reports. Two weeks ago, the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) issued a request for information (RFI) for social media management platforms. The IEMA seeks information regarding integrating and pushing content to multiple social media services, tracking conversations with the ability to respond, and monitoring multiple social media services with analytics capabilities.Read… Read more »

What I’ve been reading

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. Tales of the city: the rise of the local blog – “In its daily blogposts, Spitalfields Life aims to portray the full colour of life in London’s East End. But who is the mysterious ‘Gentle Author’ behind this extraordinary work of social history?” Apache CordovaRead… Read more »

FOI Update : The Pro Disclosure Culture of the Australian Taxation Office

Now how widespread is this issue? This may be regarded by some as one of my more controversial posts. After a lot of thought and conversation I have decided to go ahead and publish this post. I decided to so as I do not believe it is right for public sector agencies to hide informationRead… Read more »