
The changing face of acquisition, disposing of your hardware, and States and local gov’s go digital

The changing face of acquisition, disposing of your hardware, and States and local gov’s go digital by GovLoop Insights On today’s program — Tuesday March 20, 2012. The changing face of federal IT and its acquisition process, with Suss Consulting. What happens to hardware in your office when it’s no longer fit for service? HitRead… Read more »

The changing face of acquisition, disposing of your hardware, and States and local gov’s go digital

The changing face of acquisition, disposing of your hardware, and States and local gov’s go digital by GovLoop Insights Happy Tuesday. Up front today… two interesting items that sure show how times are changing. One… would would guess we would ever say Bon Jovi, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and the Department of Urban DevelopmentRead… Read more »

DIY government holiday

We’ve all pretty much accepted that St. Patrick’s day is a new American holiday, regardless of the amount of Irish whiskey blood pumping through your veins. Around the country, we observe this day by drinking beer and wearing sparkly green pants and shamrock sunglasses. What do we do to observe non-religious holidays? President’s Day, MemorialRead… Read more »

DoD Power Point 2.0 – SlideShare

SlideShare should be an integral tool in the DoD Strategic Communications portfolio to convey leadership’s vision, strategies, initiatives, and success stories. Every program, project, or organization would benefit by leveraging SlideShare for their *PUBLIC* briefings. DoD has a SlideShare account, with some strategies and social media guidance posted. SlideShare enables you to communicate your messageRead… Read more »

Citizen Surveillance and the Coming Challenge for Public Institutions

The other day I stumbled over this intriguing article which describes how a group of residents in Vancouver have started to surveille the police as they do their work in the downtown eastside, one of the poorest and toughest neighborhoods in Canada. The reason is simple. Many people – particularly those who are marginalized andRead… Read more »

How to Not Get Fired Using Facebook at Work: The Writing’s on the (Wrong) Wall

Last year, a couple colleagues and I put together a workshop (full slides below) entitled, “How to Use Social Media and Not Jeopardize Your Job.” I delivered a variation of it at the Philadelphia Federal Executive Board’s EEO and Diversity Day back in November. During the workshop, participants break into small groups to grapple withRead… Read more »

Political law links for Tues., March 20, 2012

TESTIMONY ON POLITICAL FILE ISSUE. The Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government of the House Appropriations Committee held a hearing yesterday. The FCC’s potential changes to political file requirements was an issue in Commissioner Robert McDowell’s testimony, online here. FCC Chair Genachowski’s statement is online here. NONPROFIT NEWS. Roll Call. “In an election thatRead… Read more »

The Emerging Role of the Chief Data Officer and Data Scientist

One of the most innovative topics at Carahsoft’s Government Big Data Forum was the panel on “The Emerging Role of the Chief Data Officer and Data Scientist.” As Information Technology continues to grow both more complex and more crucial to the success of any enterprise, roles like the Chief Technology Officer or Chief Information OfficerRead… Read more »

Texas is doing a bad job on delivering transparency and accountability

Texas Earns a Poor Grade for Integrity State Government Doing a Poor Job Delivering Transparency and Accountability to Citizens Investigative Report by Kelley ShannonPosted Monday, March 19, 2012 1:30pm In Texas politics, money flows freely, lobbyists enjoy a powerful presence at the state capitol, and governors are propelled into the national spotlight. Citizens who wantRead… Read more »