
GovBytes: Most confusing hi-tech terms of the decade (so far) named at SXSW

With new technology constantly emerging, I often find myself Googleing what exactly the latest hi-tech term means, and I’m certainly not alone. The Global Language Monitor, a media analytics company which tracks language trends,determines a yearly list of the most confusing hi-tech jargon, which is presented at the SXSW Conference. The list is determined usingRead… Read more »

From open data to useful data

At BarCamp Canberra on Saturday I led a discussion asking how we can help governments take the step from open data (releasing raw datasets – not always in an easily reusable format) towards usable and useful data (releasing raw datasets in easily reusable formats plus tools that can be used to visualise it). To frameRead… Read more »

Coding a better government

Click here if you can’t see the video embedded below. Possibly related posts: Covering events with Kind of Digital The revolution will not be comma separated What I’ve been reading A Masters in Public Technology? Doing away with social media officers Original post

Encryption of police radio

Deltek Analyst Luke Harris reports. Police departments are more and more looking into encrypting their radio communications now that cheaper and user-friendly scanner equipment is readily available. From the view of police departments, this move increases officer and public safety because it shields their communications from criminals. From the perspective of news media and governmentRead… Read more » – Data Sets I found that are interesting, and some suggestions

Yesterday was the one year anniversary of the Canadian federal government’s open data portal. Over the past year government officials have been continuously adding to the portal, but as it isn’t particularly easy to browse data sets on the website, I’ve noticed a lot of people aren’t aware of what data is now available (selfRead… Read more »

The Fifth Gate in the Pipeline: Managing a Business

By the time, we’ve gotten to the Fifth Gate in the Leadership Pipeline, we should have spent some quality time mastering the previous four. This gate is punctuated by enormous complexity and significant (perhaps the most significant of all the gates) changes in thinking. The Business Manager needs to come to terms with being highlyRead… Read more »

Top 10 Benefits of GIS Technology

There is so much that you can do with a GIS technology, the most common example is making layers with data showing all sorts of different variables of a community to help inform decision makers and inform the public. For example, my hometown of Syracuse could really use (and publicize) housing information. A useful applicationRead… Read more »

Local Governments Need To Embrace The Passion Of Amateurs!

One of my favorite quotes is: “ Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead The first edition of Britannica Encyclopedias appeared in Scotland in 1768. In 11 years a group of Internet volunteers has ended the 244Read… Read more »