
Weekly Round-up: March 09, 2012

Gadi Ben-Yehuda The Necessity of Government Digital Service. From across the pond comes this blog post by Carl Haggerty, “Does local government need a local government digital service?” Though the post (as its name implies) focuses squarely on local government, the lessons are applicable to all levels of government, and the answer to the title’sRead… Read more »

Access to Information, Open Data and the Problem with Convergence

In response to my post yesterday one reader sent me a very thoughtful commentary that included this line at the end: “Rather than compare [Freedom of Information] FOI legislation and Open Gov Data as if it’s “one or the other”, do you think there’s a way of talking about how the two might converge?” OneRead… Read more »

Oops: Did He Really Just Say That?

Larry Conley has a funny post about some misstatements by elected officials that are a good read for a little humor. Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper recently had one of those verbal gaffes that sometimes plague public officials. Hickenlooper, who often favorably refers to his Lt. Gov. Joe Garcia as a “rising star,” instead introduced GarciaRead… Read more »


Las Vegas is famously the “Entertainment Capital of the World,” but the City of Las Vegas (CLV) recognizes that citizens and visitors demand more from a government than just good entertainment. Las Vegas’ recent suffering (the City nears the top of the list of cities most devastated by the economic crisis of recent) provides bothRead… Read more »

The challenge of using Freedom of Information for good

I’m a big supporter of Freedom of Information (FOI) laws and the rights of citizens to access information from their government to better understand the processes and data considered around how decisions are made and policies formed. I am also a big supporter of FOI as a tool for public good – including for sharingRead… Read more »

How to Successfully Date Your Subscribers (Or, How to Send Great Emails)

One of GovDelivery’s Client Success Consultants, Bandar El-Eita recently came up with a helpful metaphor on email (or as GovDelivery calls them, bulletins) sending best practices. His thinking is that the process of encouraging a new citizen to sign up and read your bulletins is akin to the process of dating. That is, when aRead… Read more »

Facebook – The New Personality Assessment Tool For Recruiters?

There’s been PLENTY of discussion about Recruiters and Facebook…seems the discussion isn’t about to wane by any means. As of last month, there’s a study from Northern Illinois University College of Business which found that by simply spending five to ten minutes reviewing a candidates’ Facebook profiles is a better predictor of future job performanceRead… Read more »

What The Red Cross Learned From Dell In Setting Up New Social Media Monitoring Center

The debut yesterday of a new social media monitoring and command center at the American Red Cross provided an interesting glimpse into the current and prospective power at the disposal of organizations today to separate and discern meaning from amidst the noise of online chatter–and to be able respond in new and more proactive ways.Read… Read more »