
Top 10 Communications Jobs – Week of 3/4

Every week I select the top 10 new federal communications jobs from USAJOBS. This week’s top 10 – check out details and subscribe to weekly alert – 02/27/12 Public Affairs Specialist Foreign Agricultural Service Washington DC, District of Columbia 02/27/12 Public Affairs Specialist (Congressional and Media Relations Officer) Environmental Protection Agency Washington DC, District ofRead… Read more »

Who is your Marketing or Communications CIO?

I was struck by a comment from Dan Hoban (@dwhoban) at GovCamp Queensland on Saturday, which resonated with me, and with others in the audience, that organisations now need a CIO (Chief Information Officer) in their marketing or communications teams. This is a person who understands the technologies we use to communicate with customers, clients,Read… Read more » Beta Announced: Seeking early adopters who use Twitter to gain insights is a web application designed to help Twitter users find the right people to follow and learn more from the ever expanding dialog underway there. It provides features like twitter lists, directories and content summation as well as easy ways to curate and offer recommendations to others in the community. We will be enteringRead… Read more »

Internal Communications 2.0

******Originally posted at GovDelivery’s Reach the Public blog– ********* There has been a lot of discussion about using new media to coordinate with citizens. Additionally, there continues to be more focus on improving collaboration inside agencies. However, one piece I often see missing is utilizing new media to improve internal communications. Why is this important?Read… Read more »

TSP Talk – Rally Extremes

Stocks rose sharply last Monday, heading right up to the 2011 S&P 500 highs, and spent the rest of the week dancing above and below that breakout level. The economic data was fair to good and the price of oil has been able to remain below $110 a barrel. For the TSP, the C-fund gainedRead… Read more »

Kudos to Google and YouTube! Financial Help for Nonprofits and Associations

Http://LeonardSipes.Com (PR and social media for government, associations and nonprofits) I wrote an article describing assistance from Google regarding assistance to nonprofits, see Now, YouTube (owned by Google) is offering an array of incentives to encourage nonprofits to take advantage of its services. One of the challenges of working with nonprofits and associations is gettingRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: March 01, 2012

Gadi Ben-Yehuda It’s spring (meteorologically), when many people are thinking about getting engaged. By which I mean: citizen engagement, employee engagement, and engagement in and through social media. A Ladder or a Continuum. On the blog Bang the Table, Cripsin Butteriss dusts off his papers on citizen participation and shares Sherry R Arnstein’s “Ladder ofRead… Read more »

NASA Visualization Explorer App

NASA released the Visualization Explorer App to allow users to receive weekly cutting edge stories and video about NASA’s fleet of research spacecraft via tablet. Visualization Explorer is one of a number of mobile products that were implemented as part of NASA’s mobile strategy. This app, which is available only on the iPad, allows: ThisRead… Read more »