Connecting Nontechnical Staff to Technology Projects
Here’s a limiting belief: Nontechnical teams in government cannot successfully lead technology projects.
Here’s a limiting belief: Nontechnical teams in government cannot successfully lead technology projects.
You can move your career story forward in any way you choose when your make thinking like a writer your mindset and learn the fundamentals of storytelling.
Read on to meet these government and industry contributors for GovLoop who will be posting once a week for the next three months!
Making design integral to government will help deliver services efficiently, cut costs and improve the public’s quality of life.
“Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much.” Helen Keller spoke this line. How amazing that words from the 1920s are so relevant today.
Much of our work has shifted into virtual spaces, and many may rely on email even more than previously. Try these tips to improve your email communications.
To be great communicators and advocates, we must first become an outstanding audience for others. Here are some tips to listen actively and effectively.
Asking questions at the right time and in the right manner can make our advocacy even more powerful. But it’s not surprising that we often leave this important tool lying in our toolbox.
I have found and utilize these three tips to help offset my own apprehension with public speaking. These tricks can work for you too.
Can you think of a single professional endeavor that doesn’t require strong communication skills to be successful?