
Someone unfollowed me?! But why?! #Twitter

Welcome to Twitter Following you: 425… Refresh 427… “Yes!” Refresh 419… “Wait what? Who unfollowed me and why?!” It happens, many times it’s just bots coming and going, but occasionally something distasteful or obnoxious was posted; other times it’s just because of consecutive uninteresting posts. So what’s driven you to click the unfollow button forRead… Read more »

Good Deeds from Your Parents

Looking back on my childhood, I was so blessed. I had a strong mother and grandmother who taught me to LOVE GOD. The importance of education was something that my mother stressed over and over again. My mother taught me to be humble, but don’t take the back seat to no one. I worked hardRead… Read more »

Look for the Australian premier screening of Twittamentary at GovCamp QLD

A few weeks ago I became aware of a very interesting documentary project, Twittamentary, a movie that explores the intersection and interplay of peoples’ lives on Twitter. Directed by Singaporean filmmaker and Tweeter, Tan Siok Siok, the documentary takes a grass roots approach, looking at how Twitter has connected, affected and influenced individuals across America.Read… Read more »

Workplace socialisation in the Public Service

In the course of examining data from the current Australian Public ServiceState of the Service of the Service Report the previous report. It contains an interesting chart showing employee satisfaction or engagement by length of service in the APS (see at the end of this post). What is interesting is the reduction in engagement overRead… Read more »

Need a Usability Test on Your Government Website? Can’t afford it? Enter to WIN

All, If you haven’t grabbed your camera and shot a quick video to enter our ‘Win a Free Usability Test’ Video Contest, don’t despair! We’ve extended the deadline to March 9. All that is standing between you and a high-quality website usability test conducted by the GSA First Fridays team is a video explaining whyRead… Read more »

How to Get More Women Hired for Technical Roles (More stats that social networking pays off)

This is a great article on: “How to Get More Women Hired for Technical Roles” by Joseph Walker, shared through the Wall Street Journal on Facebook. Note: “At IBM about 30% of the women it hires worldwide come from such referrals.” I agree the language in job announcements needs to be significantly improved, not onlyRead… Read more »

Good in a Room? How do you sell yourself?

This past weekend I read – and enjoyed – a book that a fellow GovLooper lent me (thanks, Andrew!), called Good in a Room: How to Sell Yourself (and Your Ideas) and Win over any Audience. The book, written by Stephanie Palmer, is an unconventional networking and pitching guide for those selling themselves, products, businessRead… Read more »

What may geolocational services mean for your organisation’s security?

The US Army has released a very interesting – and frightening – presentation looking at the risks of geolocational services on smartphones and some social media services in relation to national security. Essentially it raises (and addresses) the issues of what can happen when people share photos or content tagged with their physical location (whetherRead… Read more »