
Kudos to Google and YouTube! Financial Help for Nonprofits and Associations

Http://LeonardSipes.Com (PR and social media for government, associations and nonprofits) I wrote an article describing assistance from Google regarding assistance to nonprofits, see Now, YouTube (owned by Google) is offering an array of incentives to encourage nonprofits to take advantage of its services. One of the challenges of working with nonprofits and associations is gettingRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: March 01, 2012

Gadi Ben-Yehuda It’s spring (meteorologically), when many people are thinking about getting engaged. By which I mean: citizen engagement, employee engagement, and engagement in and through social media. A Ladder or a Continuum. On the blog Bang the Table, Cripsin Butteriss dusts off his papers on citizen participation and shares Sherry R Arnstein’s “Ladder ofRead… Read more »

NASA Visualization Explorer App

NASA released the Visualization Explorer App to allow users to receive weekly cutting edge stories and video about NASA’s fleet of research spacecraft via tablet. Visualization Explorer is one of a number of mobile products that were implemented as part of NASA’s mobile strategy. This app, which is available only on the iPad, allows: ThisRead… Read more »

8 Ways Government Can Engage Citizens – From GovGirl Kristy Fifelski

This week I sat in a webinar hosted by GovDelivery that featured “GovGirl” Kristy Fifelski. The title of the presentation was “You’re on Social Media…Now What?” Kristy walked through great examples and provided a handful of interesting case studies of social media from the state, local and federal level. You can listen to an archivedRead… Read more »

Political law links for Thurs., March 1

PAC CONFERENCE. From some of the Facebook photos, it looks like the Public Affairs Council’s National PAC Conference was a raving success. HIGHWAY BILL LOBBYING. Roll Call. SNOWE TO K ST.? The Hill. “Retiring Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) would move toward the top of K Street’s recruiting class if she decided to become a lobbyistRead… Read more »

And your momma dresses you funny, too!

In addition to local governments, I also do a bit of work with small businesses helping with their communications and social media outreach. Just last week, two unrelated businesses dealt with the same issue, the grumpy customer. Business A sells finished industrial products and is in its third generation. They are considered experts in theirRead… Read more »

Social Media in Government Reading Discussion: Farhad Manjoo’s “True Enough”

This week, we read Farhad Manjoo’s True Enough: Learning to Live in a Post-Fact Society Why I assigned this reading This is the first book we’ve read that throws some cold water on social media in government. The central thesis–to which we’ve all been exposed–is that people have pretty much made up their minds aboutRead… Read more »

Implementing An Organizational Realignment – Useful Guidelines

With any organizational realignment or restructuring the challenge and real work is in the gritty day-to-day details of implementation. There are a lot issues and risks to identify, address and manage. Realignment can be as small as rearranging a few positions and responsibilities or a major realignment of major divisions, along with changes to theirRead… Read more »