
How Average Players Use Twitter and a Human Voice to Become Social Media Superstars

Have you heard of Brandon McCarthy, Paul Bissonette, Pat McAfee, and Antonio Brown? If you’re like most people, you probably haven’t. We’re not exactly talking about Kobe Bryant or Derek Jeter here. Why would you know anything about a middle of the road starting pitcher, a left-winger with 5 career goals, a punter, and aRead… Read more »

Twenty-five percent dominate the internet. The Quality Web.

Http://LeonardSipes.Com (Note that I write about the internet and PR experiences of government, associations and nonprofits). Pew states that 65 percent of Americans are involved in social media but what do we mean by “involved?” The research below from Pew suggests that power users constitute about 20%-30% of Facebook users. Only 5 percent of FacebookRead… Read more »

Suggestions from Google as to What Makes a Great Website

Http://LeonardSipes.Com; a PR and social media site for government, associations and nonprofits. It’s not often the Google Gods come down from on high and tell us what makes a great website; they just keep repeating their mantra that what’s good for search and people is good for Google. Yep, it’s understood that websites and theirRead… Read more »

You can’t expect citizens to engage with you if you don’t engage with them

I am proud of how far many Australians governments have come in their online use over the last few years. A number of agencies have begun embracing the new tools available to communicate with the public. They are blogging, tweeting and facebooking, bypassing traditional media to share their news publicly with the Australian community. NextRead… Read more »

The Surveillance State – No Warrant Required

Yesterday a number of police organizations came out in support of bill C-30 – the online online surveillance bill proposed by Minister Vic Toews. You can read the Vancouver Police Department’s full press release here – I’m referencing theirs not because it is particularly good or bad, but simply because it is my home town.Read… Read more »

I’m teaching a free social media strategy workshop for government folks in DC

Hi everyone. Unfortunately, this is only for folks in DC, as this will be an in-person workshop. I’m looking at how I could do this kind of in-depth, highly participatory workshop online, though. If you register, please comment below so I know who’s coming. 🙂 Class description and registration page on Web Manager University Format:Read… Read more »

New Feature: Kathleen’s Reading Summary

Reading is fundamental and we are all bombarded with email newsletters, RSS feeds and the ever present forwarded email from a colleague or, worse, a supervisor. Yet, if we don’t look at new sources of information from time to time, I believe we will not learn anything new and may get stuck within our sameRead… Read more »

Important News About Your CWS, RDO, AWS, Annual and Sick Leave

It’s all a bunch of BS! When’s the last time you sat down with your team to discuss how to make better use of your team’s unique set of capabilities and strengths? Chances are, if you took stock, you’d find that some people work best at night, others in the morning, some on the weekendsRead… Read more »

May 21-22 The Science of Science Communication Conference

May 21-22, 2012National Academy of SciencesWashington, DC “Overview This colloquium will survey the state of the art of empirical social science research in science communication and will focus on research in psychology, decision science, mass communication, risk communication, health communication, political science, sociology, and related fields on the communication dynamics surrounding issues in science, engineering,Read… Read more »