
WordPress for local government

WordPress, the open source content management system that I use here on this blog, is growing in its utilisation across government. It took root a bit quicker in central government, with the Number 10 site, Defra, Wales Office and the Department of Health, amongst others, using WordPress to deliver some or all of their webRead… Read more »

Reinventing TED

This essay, Against TED, by Nathan Jurgenson at The New Inquiry raises some important perceptions (and misperceptions) and isn’t the first criticism of TED we’ll see. Nor will it be the last. It’s really not that hard to find such criticisms; they’ve been around for some time and they all point to many of theRead… Read more »

Hoo-ah: How the US Army Has Become a Social Media Leader

Over the past several years, the US Army has developed an exemplary program in exploiting numerous social media methods, and done so without a lot of flash, expense, or personnel. They have an engaged audience, numerous followers, and maintained a multi-pronged campaign into all of the major social media networks, including recent beach-heads in PinterestRead… Read more »

GovBytes: Missouri Judges Video-Conference

There’s been a lot of chatter on GovLoop recently about government moving to video-conferencing instead of in-person meetings. Though your office may be having trouble making the move, Missouri’s 4th Judicial Circuit has installed five hi-definition video cameras which will be used mostly for juvenile justice matters, saving travel and scheduling expenses. The system mayRead… Read more »

We need to stop talking about social media disasters and talk about management failures

I am beginning to get a little tired of all the headlines in the media about ‘social media disasters’. A social media disaster is when Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Blogger or another social media service goes offline for an extended period of time, has user account information stolen or loses data. These are all situations whereRead… Read more »

DigitalGov Social Media Open House

It would be inevitable to have Social Media Week in DC and not have a hosted event to showcase the exciting technologies and social media initiatives in the federal government. The federal government is a major piece of the culture in Washington, DC. The city of DC is full of historical museums, monuments, and federalRead… Read more »

How To Motivate Your Online Community

During the final session of the online communities 101course we tackled the one question that every online community manager wants answered: What is the magic formula to motivating your members so that they engage with and create content. Govloop’s Engagement Strategist, Lauren Modeen (@exilauren); and GovDelivery’s Director of Engagement Services, Joseph Porcelli (@josephporcelli), discussed howRead… Read more »