
Esri Federal GIS Conference: Connect and Explore!

Esri’s upcoming Federal GIS Conference is just a few weeks away! We’ve been talking about all of the wonderful sessions and resources that will be made available at the conference. At the Esri FedCon, attendees will have the opportunity to learn and grow, but also to connect with one another! What better way to doRead… Read more »

Sunlight Labs: Labs Update: February 2012

Previously in Sunlight Labs: Influence Explorer redesigned, James moved to Boston, and Capitol Words was released. So then why is Luigi cleaning out his desk? Where did Transparency Data go? Why is Ethan calling in to the morning check-in meeting? Find out on this episode of Labs Update! Goodbyes… Let’s start off with some terribleRead… Read more »

Strengthening Employee Health and Productivity through Workplace Griefbusting: Transforming Workplace Ghost Carriers into Grief Warriors

Once again I’m reminded of how lingering grief sits heavy on many people’s minds and bodies, hearts and souls; and yet this hulking ghost is often barely recognized in a “TNT” – “Time, Numbers, & Technology” – driven and distracted world. Actually, this psychic specter has the potential to both trigger volatility and be emotionallyRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Federal Workers Union Questions the GOP

An article in the Washington Post shared an ad that is scheduled to air this weekend by the American Federation of Government Employees, targeting the GOP’s recent legislation on federal pay and benefits. The 30-second ad is part of a modest advertising campaign that begins Sunday on TV stations in the Washington area and willRead… Read more »

Which technique could help you land a job faster—Networking or Connecting?

Last night, I attended a mediation training where we discussed how important it was to connect with the parties—the plaintiff/defendant, parent/teen, victim/offender, or husband/wife, among others. Specifically, as mediators we are taught to connect without showing bias. We discussed the value of building trust to gain traction and bring the parties together—hopefully to an agreement.Read… Read more »

Google joins opposition to Georgia bill limiting municipal broadband

Google is joining a coalition of companies, communities and activists encouraging Georgia state Senators to vote against a bill that would effectively limit municipal broadband in the state. The was introduced by a Republican lawmaker who claims that government networks unfairly compete with private providers. The bill SB 313 introduced by Sen. Majority Leader ChipRead… Read more »