
Call for Papers: The 40th Research Conf on Comm, Information and Internet Policy

From TPRC: “The 40th Research Conference on Communication, Information and Internet Policy Friday September 21 to Sunday September 23, 2012. Hosted by George Mason University School of Law, Arlington, VA TPRC is an annual conference on communication, information and internet policy that convenes international and interdisciplinary researchers and policymakers from academia, industry, government, and nonprofitRead… Read more »

What Have I Done for You Lately?

With customers and relationships the question is: what had you done for me lately? Good customers are approached often by other providers or discover interesting offerings on the internet. Good relationships are fouled by lack of attention. Thus the spoken or implied questions about what’s recent. I heard a story about an individual who hiredRead… Read more »

White House hosts second annual science fair, celebrates academic achievement

Yesterday in Washington, President Obama hosted the second annual White House Science Fair. Video of his comments is embedded below, along with a storify of exhibits and students from the day. “The young people I met today, the young people behind me — you guys inspire me. It’s young people like you that make meRead… Read more »

Recapping the Florida Educational Technology Conference: social media tools vs. educational Web 2.0

Deltek Senior Analyst Kyle Ridley reports. Tom DiScipio, founder of the educational social media tool, ePals, gave an in-depth presentation on the ups and downs of social networking tools vs. Web 2.0 education platforms at the 32 Annual Florida Educational Technology Conference (FETC) held in late January. He launched the session with hard-hitting statistics onRead… Read more »

Pop Quiz: What’s Up with your Employer Brand?

Building on last week’s post (Everybody Else is Recruiting…), here are 5 hints to assessing your employer brand (a distinct: Is your agency’s website well-designed and highly-navigable? When on your agency’s website, does it take more than 10 seconds to identify the careers or jobs page? Is there an intuitive approach to the way theRead… Read more »

M2M News: Global M2M Connectivity….now.

press release Feb. 7, 2012, 6:59 a.m. EST Sprint Partners with Orange Business Services to Extend Global M2M Reach Sprint business customers will now be able to more easily take their operations global, reduce complexity by working with a single point of contact to provide a unified, end-to-end offering for all domestic and international connectivityRead… Read more »

Do You Have a Social Media Superman Complex?

I’ve become the designated “social media guy” for a massive organization (25,000+ people). For a while, the responsibilities of this role consisted primarily of explaining what the Twitters were and why people cared about what you ate for lunch. As social media has grown in popularity, so too has the internal and external demand forRead… Read more »

Sunlight Foundation Reporting Group: Crossroads, Planned Parenthood advertise in presidential battlegrounds

As if independent expenditures by super PACs weren’t enough, two major political players have notified the Federal Elections Commission of recent electioneering communications in states likely to be battlegrounds this fall. Crossroads GPS reported spending $500,000 on ads against President Obama in Arizona, Michigan, Minnesota and Missouri, while Planned Parenthood Action Fund Inc., spent $36,000Read… Read more »

Sunlight Labs: Introducing Lapidus, an Analytics Dashboard

Lapidus is an Analytics Dashboard we developed in response to our desire to track metrics for all of our projects, whether they are web sites, APIs, mobile apps, etc. Sunlight has multiple projects that target different audiences and have different uses, but it is important for us to understand how all of these projects areRead… Read more »