
An Open Government Anniversary

By Alex Moll, Communications Officer, eRulemaking Program Management Office Executive Summary – This past month marked the one year anniversary of a significant Open Government milestone. One year ago, President Obama signed Executive Order 13563, “Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review.” Since then its implementation appears on the pages of agency retrospective reviews, new guidance setRead… Read more »

8 Simple Steps To A Successful Bid

A successful bid can be clarified as a well thought out realistic response to the agencies needs. Being able to produce a successful bid is not an easy task, FAR clauses, specifications, and requirements can drain anybody’s energy. Here are 8 steps that can produce a successful bid: Market Research– Before you attempt to respondRead… Read more »

GovReads Follow-up: “Top 10 Tips For Marketing A Book Using Social Media”

Back in March, GovReads did an Interview and Book Giveaway for my book: The Project Management Answer Book (publisher: Management Concepts). A lot of exciting things have happened with my book since then (podcast interviews, blog interviews, live webinars, live video interviews, guest blogs for international websites, Book Expo America “New Title Showcase” at theRead… Read more »

Describe your sex life with a movie title. The multiple uses of social media.

Http://LeonardSipes.Com Question: Is it time to admit that social media has multiple definitions and uses? Assertion: There are two types of organizations using social media; those who simply push information out and those who depend on people interacting to survive. Article: “Describe your sex life with a movie title,” was a recent post on myRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Presidential Hopefuls Spread National Defense Disinformation

National defense is always a highly touted issue during Presidential campaigns. And rightfully so, as what could be more important than our national defense? This primary season, presidential hopefuls are going after Obama just as much as they are their Republican rivals. But what happens when the are spreading potentially dangerous disinformation? Recently, presidential hopefulsRead… Read more »

European Competition for Best Innovations in University Outreach and Public Engagement

From EngageU: “As part of the European Commission funded, Ulab project, the Oxford Internet Institute at the University of Oxford is organizing an online competition to identify the most innovative outreach and public engagement activities that have been carried out by European Universities. We define outreach and public engagement in the broadest sense to incorporateRead… Read more »

30 Random Great Ideas

NAGC is already prepping for its 2012 Communications School, June 5-8 at the Sheraton National Hotel in Arlington, VA. This year’s theme is “Telling America’s Stories” and we’ll be doing just that with an informative and exciting schedule of topics and speakers. In addition, we’ll be launching the new NAGC Member Value Program (MVP), aRead… Read more »

Sprint Leads Wireless Industry in Green Power, Securing No. 13 on EPA Fortune 500(R) Green Power Partner List – Only wireless carrier named to National Top 50

press release Jan. 31, 2012, 1:00 p.m. EST Sprint Leads Wireless Industry in Green Power, Securing No. 13 on EPA Fortune 500(R) Green Power Partner List Only wireless carrier named to National Top 50 OVERLAND PARK, Kan., Jan 31, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) — Sprint Nextel /quotes/zigman/240259/quotes/nls/s S +1.28% announced today that the company has movedRead… Read more »