
Living Room Conversations

Amanda Kathryn Roman of the Citizens in Charge Foundation and Joan Blades of and MomsRising are collaborating to launch a new and exciting project to promote civil conversations: It is an open-source project that provides a model for respectful conversations among friends & friends of friends around political issues that are typically polarizing.Read… Read more »

How should agencies moderate their online channels?

While government agencies often have limited options in the approaches they choose to use for moderating third-party social media channels, there’s a number of ways they can choose to moderate channels under their control, including blogs, forums and wikis. There’s limited official guidance, and no real mandates or instructions for particular moderation approaches available acrossRead… Read more »

City of Honolulu Launches “Honolulu 311” Developed by CitySourced

CitySourced Inc., has launched ‘Honolulu 311.’ This is a smartphone reporting system which allows citizens to use smartphones to report abandoned vehicles, broken street lights, illegal dumping and a variety of other issues. “The Honolulu 311 system will help Honolulu become a lean, clean, smart city through the use of technology,” Honolulu Mayor Peter CarlisleRead… Read more »

Virginia releases Information Management System RFP

Deltek Analyst Kristin Howe reports. The Virginia State Police (VSP) released a solicitation for the long-awaited Virginia Intelligence Management System (VIMS) project. This system will be used in the Virginia Fusion Center (VFC), which works to assemble federal, state and local law enforcement officials in one facility. Fusion centers were designed to help facilitate communicationRead… Read more »

Jersey Shore’s Snooki and JWoww are NOT coming to my city. Should I be sad about it?

My little town of Hoboken, NJ–birthplace of Frank Sinatra–already has a reality TV star–Buddy of “Cake Boss” fame. And we might have had two more–JWoww and Snooki of “Jersey Shore”–had our mayor Dawn Zimmer not put the kibosh on it. Hoboken, already overcrowded and undersupplied with parking spaces, would have had to deal with 24-hourRead… Read more »

M2M News: Sprint M2M to Boost Utility Industry Operations; Make Systems Smarter

With rising demand for energy and natural resources, machine-to-machine (M2M) solutions give utilities a powerful emerging tool for managing demand and promoting sustainability. To this end, Sprint is fast tracking M2M to the marketplace, collaborating with innovative companies that specialize in enhancing reliability, optimizing service delivery and improving efficiency. Sprint has announced agreements with Itron,Read… Read more »

New Tech: ZTE Optik is an Android Tablet Offering Sprint Customers a Combination E-reader, Media Player and Portable Computing Device for under $100

Available beginning Feb. 5, ZTE Optik boasts a 7-inch touchscreen display, Android 3.2, Honeycomb, and dual cameras for under $100 OVERLAND PARK, Kan. & RICHARDSON, Texas, Feb 02, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) — Beginning on Sunday, Feb. 5, Sprint /quotes/zigman/240259/quotes/nls/s S -0.67% will introduce its first tablet for under $100, ZTE Optik(TM), a Sprint 3G tabletRead… Read more »

An Open Government Anniversary

By Alex Moll, Communications Officer, eRulemaking Program Management Office Executive Summary – This past month marked the one year anniversary of a significant Open Government milestone. One year ago, President Obama signed Executive Order 13563, “Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review.” Since then its implementation appears on the pages of agency retrospective reviews, new guidance setRead… Read more »

8 Simple Steps To A Successful Bid

A successful bid can be clarified as a well thought out realistic response to the agencies needs. Being able to produce a successful bid is not an easy task, FAR clauses, specifications, and requirements can drain anybody’s energy. Here are 8 steps that can produce a successful bid: Market Research– Before you attempt to respondRead… Read more »