
Prime Minister of Israel Hosts Facebook Chat

Pretty cool to see other countries start hosting Facebook Chats to reach citizens and connect with folks across the globe. Next Up – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will be hosting a chat in Arabic on Monday at 10:00 am Jerusalem time (3:00 am ET) on his Arabic Facebook page. Favorite

Social media and the 21st Century Enlightenment

Some time ago I wrote and presented a paper advocating the need for a Public Service Renaissance. A philosophical kindred spirit recently drew my attention to the work of Matthew Taylor and the RSA. In particular RSA Animate – 21st century enlightenment. Some historical context. The Renaissance saw advances in literature, architecture, humanism, and aRead… Read more »

Sunlight Foundation's Political Party Time: SOPA Fundraisers

Motion Picture Association of America Chairman Chris Dodd set off a firestorm of criticism last week when he suggested that Hollywood would withhold campaign money from President Obama and lawmakers who don’t toe the Hollywood line on online piracy. Losing support of the entertainment industry would not be insignificant for the president: In 2011, DreamWorksRead… Read more »

Who’s the boss?

Every good, successful team is lead by an effective leader. Part of your organization’s media plan must focus on your team’s structure, even if there are just two members. A social media team is only as knowledgeable and functional as its players…with a leader who delegates responsibility and provides guidance towards achieving objectives and establishingRead… Read more »

Boy Am I Connected!

While working from home the other day, I looked up and realized something. I had 4 devices connected to the internet at one time. Two computers, my phone, and my tablet. I said to myself, “Boy am I connected!” How many devices do you usually have connected to the internet at one time? ———————————————————————– CenturyLinkRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: January 27, 2012

Updated to include Dan Chenok’s contributions. Gadi Ben-Yehuda The Metaphor Edition! Is Identifying-information Radioactive? Cory Doctorow makes the case that it is in the Guardian article, “Personal data is as hot as nuclear waste.” Great sub-head: “We should treat personal electronic data with the same care and respect as weapons-grade plutonium – it is dangerous,Read… Read more »

#FedTweets network going strong…

Yesterday, I created the first #FedTweets network and shared the relatively sparse initial set of connections. Today, Justin Herman, Scott Horvath, Tammie Marcoullier, and Stacey Palosky presented their insights on how they use Twitter in their agencies. The presenters encouraged the participants to heavily use the #FedTweets hashtag to keep the conversation going beyond theRead… Read more »